by Teo Soh Lung
I think the Government is getting ki siow (mad). Maybe it is even worse. My late mother would describe it as “ki tang” (going into a trance) with reference to the temple medium.
Minister of Home Affairs and Law, K Shanmugam is not only angry with videos taken of downtrodden workers in other countries, he is mad with people who publish videos and photos taken of the deplorable condition of workers’ dormitories in Singapore and food supplied to them some years ago.
These videos and photos have been republished because we, the people of Singapore have not been aware of the living condition of our migrant workers before.
These videos and photos seek to rebut what our multi-ministerial COVID-19 task force told us – that they were not aware of the overcrowded dormitories before and that if they had known, things would have been done differently and COVID-19 would not have spread so rampantly among the workers.

Excuses, excuses, excuses!
Every minister knew of the poor living condition of our migrant workers since years ago. They even permitted these workers to be transported dangerously by lorries. They knew they were paid pittance and given poor quality food.
In other words, they knew these workers were terribly exploited. But they did nothing because they wanted our posh buildings to be built cheaply and our coffers enriched so that we can tell the world that we too belong to the first world.
So my response to the Government is this. If you think you can seal the mouths of critics with your threats of legal proceedings, imprisonment, and fines as the general election which you are planning approaches, you will be wrong.
Do what you like. The people who have spoken will not be silenced.
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加强防疫措施 过去14天曾到伊朗、意大利北部、韩,皆不得入境我国

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人民之声党创办人林鼎,将在本周六(16日)下午4时至7时,于芳林公园举办“新加坡的问责制怎么了?”集会。 林鼎昨日在脸书发文,欢迎民众踊跃出席。根据其贴文的资讯,有关集会将谈及对政治领袖和公职者的问责制,强调缺乏问责的政府代价是巨大的。 林鼎质问,人民必须对自己的生活、学业和工作负责。如果表现不好或失当,也会被骂、被惩罚和开除。然而, 政府要员做错事,却没有人需要出来负责、没人因此引咎辞职。现有政策只是为了保护他们的不足和失策。 他质问,何以国民服役事故频发,黄永宏仍是国防部长;出现医疗个资和艾滋病患个资泄露、C型肝炎感染事件,颜金勇还能继续当卫生部长。 “为何不归还您的公积金积蓄?回酬又少得可怜?公积金政策怎么朝令夕改?再者,国人的就业集会拱手让给外籍人士。” 林鼎说,这些问题显示我国施政缺乏问责,国人应该向政治领导追究责任,因为社会的维系需要相互的关怀和负责行为,只有加强问责才能避免一再陷入失误。 “我们的政府要员薪酬全球最高,他们理应对纳税人负责。”