Photo: Wikipedia/Seasickers

20 undocumented Indonesian migrant workers returning from Malaysia were caught illegal-border crossing at sea after sneaking past the Indonesian Navy in the early hours on Sunday (26 April).
Border authorities caught them aboard a fishing vessel near Asahan, north Sumatera. There were seven women, 13 men, and a toddler on the vessel.
Commander of Tanjung Balai Asahan Naval Base, Com. Dafris Datuk Syahrudin told The Jakarta Post on Sunday that the vessel’s passengers are now being tested for COVID-19.
He added that the migrant workers appeared healthy on the outset and did not show any symptoms of COVID-19.
Belawan I Naval Base commander Adm. Abdul Rasyid said that there has been an increase in the number of undocumented Indonesian migrant workers returning from Malaysia by sea through illegal routes.
“In recent weeks, we’ve caught many undocumented Indonesian migrant workers returning from Malaysia through illegal routes. We have tried to catch them so that they don’t enter the country without going through medical check-ups. It’s important to curb the spread of COVID-19 from overseas,” he said.
On 20 April, the local authorities also caught 22 undocumented Indonesian migrant workers returning from Malaysia on a fishing vessel in Asahan regency, North Sumatra.
“We don’t want to take any chances in this difficult time, as the country is on alert for the COVID-19 pandemic and its transmission – especially from overseas. The Indonesian Navy will increase border patrols, especially in suspected illegal routes,” Abdul told The Jakarta Post on Sunday.
According to the government data as of 21 April, there are more than 64,000 Indonesian migrant workers who had returned from Malaysia since the country imposed COVID-19 lockdown.
Around 46,000 of them are reported to travel by sea.

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