Left: Roy Ngerng, Right: Ho Ching

Earlier this month, TOC wrote a post about how Mdm Ho Ching, who is married to Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, posts upwards of 150 posts on Facebook in a single day.
Her consistent high volume-posting landed her in hot water recently when she shared an article by Taiwan News about the donation and she accompanied that with a caption that originally said, “Errr….”
This drew flak from Taiwan netizens who found her caption confusing and ask her to explain the meaning of the post, adding that if Singapore doesn’t want the masks, it can reject the offer.
As events unfolded, Singaporean netizens defended Mdm Ho’s ambiguous comment while Taiwanese netizens demanded a clarification, as a pro-People’s Action Party (PAP) fanpage referencing Mdm Ho’s post to insinuate that the Taiwan government was keeping these stocks of masks from Singapore.
Two days later on Monday, Mdm Ho decided to edit her post to clarify her original comment. In her clarification, she thanked “friends and friends of friends in Taiwan” and said she is “forever grateful” to them.
The thing is, this isn’t the first time Mdm Ho has made comments about certain things via her Facebook page which drew the attention of the public, and it likely won’t be the last either.
Looking at the data from CrowdTangle, Mdm Ho has posted 6,075 posts in March alone. That’s a staggering 195 posts a day or eight posts an hour. In the first week of March, Mdm Ho posted 1,672 posts on Facebook.
While the high-volume and timing of the posts suggests that Mdm Ho or her social media team is using a bot for this purpose, it is hard to miss the posts that have an accompanying caption or comment which were clearly penned by the woman herself.
In our earlier article, we wondered why the CEO of Temasek Holdings and wife of the country’s Prime Minister Lee Hsieng Loong, is so active online and why she even bothers cultivating this level of presence on social media at all.

Blogger Roy Ngerng dismissed for misusing working time

Back in 2014, activist and blogger Roy Ngerng was dismissed was from job at Tan Tock Seng Hospital (TTSH) due to “conduct incompatible with the values and standards expected of employees, and for misusing working time, hospital computers and facilities for personal pursuits”
Mr Ngerng, who was employed as a patient coordinator at the Communicable Diseases Centre at TTSH for two year, was constantly in the news back then due to a defamation suit involving Prime Minister Lee Hsieng Loon.
In the press statement, TTSH said that the dismissal was over the continued misuse of the hospital’s time and resources to persue personal and non-job related interests. It also said that Mr Ngerngs recent public actions and conduct caused the hospital “grave concern”.
It said, “Mr Ngerng’s conduct was incompatible with the values and standards we expect of our employees. While our staff are free to pursue their personal interests outside work, they must conduct themselves properly, honourably and with integrity. In particular, they cannot defame someone else without basis, which essentially means knowingly stating a falsehood to the public.”
Following that, the Ministry of Health (MOH) came out with a separate tatement in support of the hospital’s decision to terminate Mr Ngerng’s contract as his ““ctions show a lack of integrity and are incompatible with the values and standards of behaviour expected of hospital employees”.

What does board of Temasek think of Ho Ching’s social media posting during office hours?

Now, given the stance taken by MOH and TTSH—which is a public hospital run by the government—one wonders if the same standards apply to other employees of Government-linked companies such as Temasek.
Now, with reference to the reasons behind Mr Ngerng’s dismissal in 2014, one wonders whether board of Temasek would feel the same way about Mdm Ho who is paid in the millions, given her obvious obsession with social media, Facebook in particular.
Her posts include everything from links to various websites—local and international news, scientific studies, pseudoscience websites, and government articles and statements—to photos, other Facebook posts and videos, some of which she will also comment on.
As the CEO of the country’s sovereign wealth fund, what does the Temasek board think about Mdm Ho’s constant posting on Facebook during all hours of the day?

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本地博客团队抨击女性言论引争议 哈莉玛总统要求三人诚恳道歉

今日本地三人组合OKLetsGo博客团队因博客内容涉及性别歧视和女权主义言论而引起热议,哈莉玛总统要求三人向所有女性诚恳道歉。 该博客团队的首个博客在今年2月2日播出,近日因博客涉及性别歧视和女权主义言论而引起热议。 哈莉玛总统于昨日(16日)在脸书上发文指,在疫情的影响,同时为许多家庭妇女带来暴力行为,因此教育肩负更重大的责任,即学会如何尊重妇女,尤其是男孩,应该从小做起。 哈莉玛也强调新加坡女性一直以来,通过教育、就业和养育家庭作出贡献,对于建立健康社会有极大帮助,因此妇女并非是可以任意取笑、践踏的对象,任何人都无权对妇女行使暴力,与言论自由无关。 她也指出,近期内也不停受到相关电邮,可能会为年轻人的价值观带来很大的影响,若以抨击女性为题材,提高收视率和博取一笑,都是一件令人反感的事情,因此三人应该真诚为所有女性道歉。 “因此,OKLetsGo博客团队应该对所有女性诚恳地道歉,因为他们以言论冒犯、侮辱和厌恶女性。我收到了很多关注此事的电邮,他们都非常担心博客对于年轻人的价值观的提倡。我认为他们的担忧是合理的,女性不应该被视为是出气筒。“ 对此,OKLetsGo博客团队也在昨日(15日)脸书上道歉,并表示三人花了那么长时间才意识到所造成的伤害,因此想借此机会向观众致歉。 “我们确实很抱歉,花了这么长时间才意识到所造成的伤害,感谢你那些受到伤害的人的声音,我们借此机会诚挚地为所有被伤害的听众道歉。“ 该博客团队也指出,目前也正在重新审视做法,并将会对此进行调整,确保不再冒犯特定群体,并表示绝不容忍任何形式的偏见,确保能够在未来更谨言慎行。

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