Source: Archify

The Ministry of Health (MOH) has shared that the cause of death for a Indian national, who was found dead on Thursday morning at Khoo Teck Puat Hospital, was multiple injuries consistent with those resulting from a fall from height, and was not due to complications from COVID-19 infection.
This was revealed in MOH’s report on 24 April.
The Indian national who was working as a construction worker, was also identified by MOH as Case 8190.
The Indian national was found lying motionless at a staircase landing at Khoo Teck Puat Hospital on Thursday (April 23) after succumbing to his injuries.
While investigations are still ongoing, the police have ruled out foul play from his death, based on findings from preliminary investigations.
Police said that it was alerted to the case at approximately 7.30 am on Thursday.
Based on the case number, it can be taken that the Indian national was confirmed to be infected with COVID-19 on 21 April. The 46-year-old man had been working for the same employer since September 2009, according to the Ministry of Manpower in a statement yesterday.
MOM noted that findings from background checks “do not reveal any complaints against the employer”.
The deceased, said MOM, lived in “a factory-converted dormitory operated by the employer” which housed nine workers including him at the time — fewer than the approved capacity for factory-converted dormitories.
“The dormitory was found to be in an acceptable condition, including cleanliness and ventilation,” MOM added.
Expressing its condolences to the family of the deceased, the Ministry said it has informed them and his employer as well as the Indian High Commission in Singapore of his death.
MOM said that it is also “working with the Hindu Endowments Board to undertake the necessary funeral arrangements for the deceased worker”.
“We are also working with the Migrant Workers’ Centre to provide support to the family of the deceased,” the Ministry added.
Manpower Minister Josephine Teo in a Facebook post yesterday said that she was “deeply saddened” by the news of the migrant worker’s death.
The High Commission of India in Singapore, in a response via email to CNA, said that it is awaiting “further information about the circumstances surrounding the death from the police after coroner’s (inquiry) is complete”.

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6月1日阻断措施结束 我国分三阶段恢复经济活动

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选举局指南称候选人需全程戴口罩 拍照、说话也不能脱下!

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