Photo source: NetLink Trust

Four contractors of NetLink Trust have been confirmed to be infected with the COVID-19 virus, in which two of them have visited 34 homes for fibre installation work from 1 to 14 April.
NetLink, a fibre broadband operator in Singapore, released a statement on Friday (17 April) that four of its contractors were tested positive for the virus between 14 to 16 April.
“Two of these workers have visited 34 homes for fibre installation work between 1 April 2020 and 14 April 2020. The other two were not involved in works that require visits to homes and office,” the statement read.
According to NetLink, none of the four contractors had been in contact with the other staff within the last 14 days.
“We are working with our contractor to assist the Ministry of Health (MOH) in its contact tracing efforts to contact all parties that the affected workers may have come into contact with,” NetLink asserted.
NetLink also assured that the company had implemented precautionary measures based on the guidelines given by the MOH and the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) since late January this year.
Following the infected cases, all works that require visits to homes or offices will temporarily be suspended as instructed by the Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA) to ensure the safety of the public, its workers, and business partners.
“We are also reaching out to affected parties with current service orders to inform them of the suspension,” NetLink stated.
NetLink noted that the temporary suspension will be lifted after a review of the existing precautionary measures and appropriate enhancements are implemented.
“The well-being of the public, our employees and business partners remains our top priority and NetLink will continue to monitor the situation and implement additional precautionary measures where necessary to ensure safety of all during this COVID-19 situation,” it stated.

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