
On Wednesday (15 April), an investigation into StarHub’s two Internet service disruptions has been commenced by Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA). The service disruptions were reported to have lasted for hours.
There were issues with their internet service, according to reports by StarHub users on Wednesday, with many of them at home working, partly to observe an enhanced COVID-19 circuit breaker measures.
IMDA stated that it “takes a serious view of any service disruption to public telecommunications services, especially during the circuit breaker period, where many of us are working and studying from home.”
Should there be “any lapses on StarHub’s part”, IMDA stressed that it “will not hesitate to take strong enforcement action.”
At around 11am on Wednesday, there were reports on social media regarding the complaints of internet users about the disruption. StarHub stated that as of 8.20pm, their services were fully fixed.
On Wednesday night, Chong Siew Loong, StarHub’s Chief Technology Officer, extended his apologies to customers as he also confirmed the cause of the disruption had been a network issue with one of its Domain Name Servers.
“Traffic on our network is well below our available capacity and ample redundancy has been built into our network to cater for high service levels to be delivered consistently,” Mr Chong explained.
“We take this incident seriously and will conduct a detailed root cause analysis so that we can prevent future recurrence,” he later assured.

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