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Yesterday (9 April), the Tampines Dormitory was declared an isolation area after the Ministry of Health (MOH) reported an additional 17 cases of COVID-19 linked to the dormitory at 2 Tampines Place. That particular dorm now has a total of 38 confirmed cases of the virus. It is also the fifth foreign worker dormitory to have received such a designation to date.
Also gazetted were eight more blocks of the Sungei Tengah Lodge. These are blocks 502, 504, 508, 510, 514, 516, 518, and 520 on Old Choa Chu Kang Road.
The MOH published a notice, which came into force at 11.59 pm on Thursday, in the Government Gazette under the Infectious Diseases Act.
On Wednesday (8 April), two blocks of the Sungei Tengah Lodge – 506 and 512 – were declared isolation areas by MOH under the same legislation.
The Sungei Tengah Lodge houses up to 25,000 workers in 10 residential blocks, making it one of the largest dormitories in the country. It has a total of 43 cases so far, with MOH reporting 14 new cases on Thursday which were linked to the dorm.
The declaration of these dormitories as isolation areas follow previous similar declarations. On Sunday, the S11 Dormitory Punggol and Westlite Toh Guan dormitory were gazetted as isolation areas, thus placing almost 20,000 workers across both dorms under quarantine. Workers are required to stay in their rooms while common areas including the kitchens area closed.
On Monday (6 April), the Toh Guan Dormitory became the third foreign worker dormitory, which houses about 4,5000 workers, to be declared an isolation area.
As of Thursday, Toh Guan Dormitory has 5 confirmed cases, Westlite Toh Guan has 49 confirmed cases, and S11 Dormitory recorded the highest number of cases at 283.

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