Source: BI.

The Ministry of Health (MOH) today (10 Apr) confirmed that the 32-year-old male Indian national who died while waiting for confirmation on his virus test results had passed away due to ischaemic heart disease, and not due to complications from COVID-19 infection.
The long-term pass holder, identified as Case 1604, was initially swabbed at the National Centre for Infectious Diseases for COVID-19 testing on Tuesday (7 April) and was subsequently asked to stay home pending his test results.
However, MOH said in its statement that the man’s check X-ray showed that he did not have pneumonia.
Tragically, the man died a day later at his residence, with his test results confirming that he was infected with COVID-19 coming in only after his death.
Singapore has recorded 1,910 confirmed cases to date.
The Republic yesterday (9 Apr) recorded its highest daily number of confirmed COVID-19 cases, with the majority of the 287 cases traced to clusters at migrant worker dormitories and Mustafa Centre.

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