In a COVID-19 update yesterday (8 April), the Ministry of Health (MOH) identified a 32-year-old male Indian National who died while waiting for confirmation on his virus test results. MOH noted that the confirmation was made after his death.
The long-term pass holder was identified as Case 1604. He was initially swabbed at the National Centre for Infectious Diseases to be tested for the virus on Tuesday (7 April) and was subsequently asked to stay home pending his test results. MOH said in its statement that the man’s check X-ray showed that he did not have pneumonia.
Tragically, the man died a day later at his residence, with his test results confirming that he was infected with COVID-19 coming in only after his death.
At the moment, the MOH stated that investigations are ongoing to establish the cause of death.
So far, the country has reported six deaths due to COVID-19 complications, with victims ranging between the ages of 64 to 88.

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