In light of the Government’s efforts to contain the spread of COVID-19 virus, the Land Transport Authority (LTA) announced on Thursday (9 April) that it will implement additional safe distancing measures on public transport networks to heighten social distancing among commuters.
The statement came after the multi-ministry taskforce on COVID-19 imposed “significantly stricter measures” to curb the local spread of the virus on 3 April.
LTA in its statement noted that safe distancing stickers will be progressively rolled out on all trains, train stations, buses, bus stops, and bus interchanges to mark out spaces and seats that should be avoided by commuters.

LTA also works with Public Transport Operator to arrange Transport Ambassadors, who will work with LTA enforcement officers and bus captains to ensure commuters comply with the measures.
In addition, temperature screening will also be implemented at selected MRT stations in which commuters will have to go through before entering the stations.
“Commuters who have been picked up by the scanners as having a fever will not be allowed to enter the station and be asked to seek medical attention at the nearest clinic(s) immediately,” said LTA. “For a start, these thermal scanners have been deployed at Serangoon and Tiong Bahru MRT stations.”
Meanwhile, LTA urged members of the public to wear reusable face masks when travelling via public transport networks, and refrain from crowding.
“They should also follow the instructions given by Transport Ambassadors and LTA’s enforcement officers so that we can preserve the elevated measures during this challenging period,” LTA noted.

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“理解各界善意建议” 惟麦锡威称戴口罩仍不是最重要防疫事项

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