Source: BI

As of Monday (6 April) 12pm, the Ministry of Health (MOH) has confirmed and verified an additional 66 cases of COVID-19 infection in Singapore, of which one is imported and 65 are local cases.
Among the local cases, 35 cases have been linked to established clusters, of which 24 cases were linked to clusters at foreign worker dormitories and 11 were linked to non-dormitory clusters.
Contact tracing is ongoing for the remaining 30 cases.
This brings the total number of COVID-19 infection cases to 1,375.

Two new clusters discovered
One of the newly confirmed cases (Case 1335) is linked to two previous cases (Cases 1182 and 1294), forming a new cluster at Little Gems Preschool (3 Ang Mo Kio Street 62).
Three of the earlier confirmed cases (Cases 880, 1190 and 1241) have now been linked to a new cluster at Kranji Lodge (12 Kranji Road).
Cases from public healthcare sector
Case 1322 is a 27 year-old female Singapore Citizen with no recent travel history to affected countries or regions. She reported onset of symptoms on 30 March, and subsequent test results confirmed COVID-19 infection on 5 April. She is currently warded in an isolation room at Ng Teng Fong General Hospital.
Prior to hospital admission, she had gone to work as a patient therapy associate at the Institute of Mental Health.
Update on condition of confirmed cases
To date, a total of 344 cases have fully recovered from the infection and have been discharged from hospitals or community isolation facilities.
Of the 571 confirmed cases who are still in hospital, most are stable or improving.
25 are in critical condition in the intensive care unit.
454 cases who are clinically well but still test positive for COVID-19 are isolated and cared for at Concord International Hospital, Mount Elizabeth Hospital, Gleneagles Hospital and the Community Isolation Facility at D’Resort NTUC.
Six have passed away from complications due to COVID-19 infection.
Update on contact tracing for confirmed cases
Contact tracing for the confirmed cases is ongoing. Once identified, MOH will closely monitor all close contacts. As a precautionary measure, they will be quarantined for 14 days from their last exposure to the patient. In addition, all other identified contacts who have a low risk of being infected will be under active surveillance, and will be contacted daily to monitor their health status.
As of 6 April 2020, 12pm, MOH has identified 17,613 close contacts who have been quarantined. Of these, 5,618 are currently quarantined, and 11,995 have completed their quarantine.

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