by Lee Hsien Yang Singapore has triggered a “circuit breaker”, a partial lockdown, now that cases of local COVID-19 transmissions have overtaken imported cases. Addressing the...
As of 4 April 2020, 12 pm, the Ministry of Health (MOH) has confirmed and verified an additional 75 cases of COVID-19 infection in Singapore, of...
by Cheang Kok Ming Has the Multi-ministry Task Force succeeded in its national mission to protect people’s lives or is it game over? When the Multi-ministry...
Chief Executive Officer and co-founder of Lunch Actually, Violet Lim shared her experience of being a COVID-19 patient on Facebook and claimed she was shocked when...
Enterprise Singapore (ESG) has announced the roll out of a Food Delivery Booster Package to support Food & Beverage (F&B) businesses to transform their business models and...
Singapore was praised by the World Health Organisation for its early response to coronovirus without the need for enforced lockdowns. Our politicians have stressed that a...
The Ministry of Health (MOH) has confirmed that a patient has passed away from complications due to COVID-19 infection on 4 April 2020 at 5.41am. The...
根据新加坡卫生部文告,再有一名冠状病毒19确诊患者逝世。 这名患者是88岁本地永久居民,他在今早5时41分,因并发症不幸逝世。近期都未曾到过境外感染灾区。 这意味着,本地迄今已有第六起冠病死亡病例。 根据卫生部资料,有关逝世病患时第855起病例,相信与新加坡板球俱乐部感染群有关。他在上月29日确诊,隔日送往国家传染病中心治疗,并且需待在加护病房。他本身也心脏和肾脏疾病,还有癌症和糖尿病。 当局也已联系他的家属给予协助。 昨日,卫生部告知,一名在李亚妹安老院的86岁新加坡老妇病逝。 4月2日,一名确诊68岁印尼男子不幸逝世。 3月29日,患上冠病的70岁长者郑亚烈病逝。 3月21日,本地出现首两宗死亡病例。一名75岁女公民,以及64岁印尼男子病逝。 根据卫生部文告,截至昨日新增65起确诊病例,其中56起都是本地感染,未曾到过境外感染灾区。这意味着本地累计确诊已增至1114例。 累计治愈出院病例282例。473病患仍待留院治疗,其中24名病重病患仍待在加护病患。354康复良好、惟冠毒测试仍呈阳性反应,则转移到其他隔离设施。