LTA to reduce ERP rates at most gantries in the island, starting from 6 April

As the traffic volume in Singapore has seen some reduction following the…

SGC: Tripartite partnership can help preserve Singaporean workforce during pandemic

As the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic worsens, the more than 8,000…

National reserves for COVID-19 bailouts belong to Singaporeans regardless of which party is in charge

I applaud the government for its quick announcements of financial packages to…

Tenanted businesses in Singapore need assistance too

According to reports, the Singapore government has set aside another additional 48…

Parc Emily Condo suspends facilities, implements social distancing and residents have no say to it, says concerned resident

In light of the Government’s imposition of stricter measures amid the COVID-19…

《联合早报》民调显示 近七成网民反对疫情下举行选举

上周,总理接受本地主流媒体采访,指如果经济大致上还能正常运作,大家还能办公、工作组织事情,即便不能大群体群聚,但还是能“把事情办得来”,仍可以采取适当措施,调整一般举行选举的方式。 他也提及例如以色列也在疫情下举行选举,至于美国部分州属也进行了总统初选,“这些是可以办到、解决的事。” 不过,《联合早报》早前进行民调,多达1万1600余网民参与投票,不过其中有近七成、约67巴仙的群众,不同意在疫情下举行选举。 吊诡的是,不久后民调就被抽起,迄今在该报官网的民调已找不到网民投票记录。 3月中旬,总理李显龙在上周六(14日)才在脸书贴文释放信息,指如需要在疫情过去签前选举,需采取必要防疫措施;隔日(15日)韩咏梅就发表评论附和领导人,在疫情可控情况下举行选举的论述。 截至今日,全球累计确诊78万人,其中美国灾情最严重,确诊人数已飙升至16余万人。 至于在今年3月初举行议会选举的以色列,截至3月2日,全国有10起确诊。但截至31日,累计确诊人数已飙升至4千695起,16人病故。 新加坡截至目前为止,已有879例确诊病例,有三人不幸病故。