Image by Morning Ag Clips

Indonesia has significantly increased its pig export to Singapore in the wake of Malaysia’s movement control order.

1,635 pigs worth 5.17 billion Rupiah (S$450,209.29) were exported from the Riau Islands into Singapore last Sun (29 Mar).

Tanjung Pinang Agriculture Quarantine Head Donni Muksidayan told reporters when handing over the Animal Health Certificate (HC) to PT. Indo Tirta Asylum — the exporter — that the pigs were “confirmed to be healthy, safe and in accordance with the requirements of Singapore”.

Mr Donni noted that prior to Malaysia’s MCO, the usual demand Indonesia’s pig export averaged around 700 to 900.

“Now it reaches 1,400 to even 1,600,” he said.

Separately, Ervi — an officer of the Tanjungpinang Agricultural Quarantine Office — said on Mon (30 Mar) that the daily demand for pig export in Indonesia used to be an average of 700 to 900 pigs.

“Now it reaches 1,400 to even 1,600 pigs … The demand for pigs has doubled,” he said, adding that the Malaysian movement control order has “shifted the demand” from Malaysia, which is usually the primary exporter of pigs to Singapore.

“Tanjungpinang Agricultural Quarantine will always be ready to serve, provide health and safety guarantees so that our agricultural commodities are accepted in the world market,” said Ervi.

Malaysia’s movement control order, made under the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases Act 1988 and the Police Act 1967, began on 18 Mar and was due to last until today (31 Mar).

However, the order was extended to 14 Apr due to a significant proportion of non-compliance, which has led the government to deploy the armed forces on top of the police force to ensure that residents will abide by the order.

The order saw tightened border controls through the government’s prohibitions on both outbound and inbound travel.

Malaysians are not allowed to travel outside the country throughout the imposition of the order, and citizens who have recently returned from overseas are required to undergo health tests and self-quarantine.

Tourists and other foreign visitors are not allowed to enter Malaysia during the period in which the order takes effect.

All business premises, schools and higher learning institutions, and other forms of premises whether public or private, as well as places of worship are subject to the order and are required to shut down during the stipulated period.

Exemptions, however, apply to all essential services such as utilities, telecommunications, postal services, transport, broadcasting, financial and banking services, and health services — among several other sectors.

Supermarkets and other businesses selling food supplies are also exempted from the shutdown requirement during the order.

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