The Ministry of Health has confirmed that a patient has passed away from complications due to COVID-19 infection on 29 March 2020 at 12.12pm.

This is the third case of fatality from COVID-19 infection. Two earlier fatalities were announced on 21 March.

The patient is Chang Ah Lay, case 109, a 70 year-old male Singapore Citizen with no recent travel history to affected countries and regions. He has also not been linked with any previous case of confirmed cases till date.

Mr Chung who had been working as a dishwasher in a Japanese Restaurant, sought treatment at a general practitioner (GP) clinic on 27 February.

He was then admitted to Singapore General Hospital (SGH) on 29 February, and was confirmed to have COVID-19 infection on 2 March and announced as an confirmed case on 3 March.

He had been cared for in the intensive care unit (ICU) since then. He developed serious complications and eventually succumbed to the infection after 27 days in the ICU.

It is said that Mr Chung had a history of hypertension and hyperlipidaemia.

The family of the patient had earlier appealed to those who have recovered from the virus to be part of the convalescent plasma therapy trial as the patient was in a critical condition. His daughter, Ms Ashley Chung had posted on a Facebook post saying, “Our family is hoping that this plea can help to fast track the plasma therapy for critically sick patients,”

SGH has reached out to his family and is extending assistance to them.

Following the news of Mr Chung’s passing, the family thanked fellow Singaporeans for their well wishes through a Facebook post by Ms Chung.

“We thank you for your well wishes. It is unfortunate that my dad has succumbed to Covid19, after his 30 days of battle in SGH. Our 70 year old dad had put on a good and ferocious fight, in his combat against this deadly virus. Daddy Chung has led a good life. He is always our benevolent father, who has always loved and protected his family with his very best. In spirit, he will always be connected to us, in this generation and the next.”, wrote the daughter.

In her Facebook posting, Ms Chung also took the opportunity to remind all Singaporeans to be socially responsible.

She note, “Our dad did not travel to affected countries or clusters. How he was infected, is still a mystery to my family. Let us remember Daddy Chung by being socially responsible. Another loss due to socially irresponsible behaviour can be avoided! Let us do our part!”

As of 28 March 2020, 12 pm, there are 802 cases of confirmed COVID-19 infection in Singapore. Of the 420 confirmed cases who are still in the hospital, most are stable or improving. 19 are in critical condition in the intensive care unit.

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