As the COVID-19 cases in Singapore escalated and the government imposed stricter measures to reduce local transmission of the virus, several opposition parties in Singapore have decided to suspend their ground campaign and outreach with immediate effect.

On 24 March, the Multi-Ministry Taskforce announced the closure of all bars and entertainment venues in a bid to prevent further local transmission of COVID-19.

Stricter measures were also imposed, limiting gatherings outside of work and school to 10 people or fewer, and physical distancing of at least one metre in settings where interactions are non-transient.

The measures took effect at the stroke of midnight yesterday (26 March) until at least 30 April, but the government said it could be extended if the situation does not improve.

Following that, several opposition parties have decided to suspend their ground campaign and outreach with immediate effect.

Singapore Democratic Party (SDP) posted on Facebook yesterday (26 March), saying that it will suspend its ground campaign and outreach until further notice. This includes suspending its house-visits and walkabouts to its constituencies.

“In light of the worsening Covid-19 outbreak in Singapore and the heightened measures to prevent its further spread, the SDP will suspend our ground campaign and outreach with immediate effect,” SDP stated.

SDP expressed its gratitude to all party members and volunteers for their efforts, adding that it will resume its outreach campaign when the circumstances permit.

The Workers’ Party (WP) also released a statement on Facebook that it will temporarily suspend all its house-visits, but assured that the party’s Members of Parliament (MPs) and town councilors will continue to do inspections in their respective estates.

“The WP MPs and/or town councilors will continue to inspect their respective estates and serve residents’ needs with the help of 1-2 volunteers, staffers, or NCMPs. Other WP members will walk the ground with this directive in mind,” WP stated.

WP also noted that people will be able to contact their elected representatives via digital platforms.

Similarly, Peoples Voice party (PV) chief Lim Tean stated on Facebook that the party will suspend all its community and house visits until the situation improves ‘significantly’.

“At this critical time, it would be immoral for any outreach and campaign activities to continue, which may endanger the health and safety of our People,” Mr Lim remarked.

He added, “Those who continue to advocate for the calling of the General Elections during the outbreak, are nothing more than political opportunists, who have no moral right to lead.”

Meanwhile, Progress Singapore Party (PSP) stated in an email that it has cancelled the party’s press conference that was slated to be held on 28 March at its headquarters due to the imposition of stricter measures nationwide.

“We are monitoring the situation as developments unfold, and hope to meet you either physically or digitally, when we decide on our next press event. In the meantime, let us keep ourselves healthy, hydrated, and well-rested,” PSP’s representative asserted.

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