In recent weeks, the COVID-19 pandemic has left its mark across Singapore and many countries in the world, with governments enforcing strict measures to shut down nearly every facet of society in attempt to control the spread of the virus.

In times of loneliness, anguish, and anger – where tensions are at an all-time high – many are turning to the virtual world, seeking all sort of virtual nuances to fill the social void.

With that, Sugarbook, Asia’s most critically-acclaimed online dating brand, recorded incremental user traffic on its platform across various countries globally.

Source: Sugarbook

According to statistical data on user traffic on the Sugarbook app, Malaysia tops the chart with a 40% rise in user traffic. Singapore tails closely behind with 25%, while the United States, Russia, and the United Kingdom (UK) noted considerable surges too.

What’s more, messages exchanged by users during this period also came as another notable derivation where it was evident during the mid-February period – when the COVID-19 was gaining momentum, proving difficult to contain – in which there was a sizeable spike.

Fast forward to mid-March when the pandemic had hit pandemonium – with the World Health Organisation (WHO) declaring COVID-19 as a pandemic – exchanges between users in the app were at an influx.

Source: Sugarbook

Additionally, a similar pattern can also be seen in terms of user logins, so much so that the amount of user logins reached a record high just a few days ago – with a staggering increase of over 400%.

Source: Sugarbook

With all the movement-control orders, lockdowns, and quarantines in place all over the world, billions of people are spending more time than usual at home. Hence, it may not be much of a surprise that Sugarbook has been seeing noticeable upticks in global traffic since mid-February, with people seeking for all sorts of options to keep
themselves entertained – which is all the more sweeter with a plus-one.

With that in mind, Sugarbook is offering free premium membership upgrades – worth US$79.95 – to all its users in Italy, China, and Hong Kong.

“It is in the paramount of our interest to offer those who are affected with something we feel that can add value to their lives amid the chaos,” said the company in a media release.

Number of sugar baby signups from Singaporean universities on the rise due to increasing university fees

In the wake of students struggling to cope with the rising costs of university fees, there has been a rise in the number of sugar baby signups from Singaporean universities who are seeking financial support from wealthy, affluent men via Sugarbook.

From 2018 to 2019, Sugarbook saw a 32% leap in the total of university student signups – which inadvertently illustrates university students seeking for financial support from sugar daddies or sugar mummies in Singapore.

Infographic from Sugarbook

According to a report by Sugarbook titled “An Alternative Solution to Rising University Fees: Sugar Dating”, there are now over 2,000 university-going sugar babies signed up on the app. The report, released on 4 March, includes a list of top 10 sugar baby universities in Singapore.

Topping the list is Singapore’s Nanyang Technology University (NTU) with 643 students signups, while the runner-up is Singapore’s Institute of Management (SIM) with 487 signups.

Singapore’s global superstar, the National University of Singapore (NUS), tails closely behind with 413 signups.

Interestingly, though on a lesser ecclesiastical playing field, the list even saw Singapore Bible College raking in on the number ten spot with 12 students signed up as sugar babies.

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