Singaporeans have been advised to practise social distancing amidst the COVID-19 pandemic to curb possible spreads and transmissions.

Yesterday, the Marine Parade Group Representation Constituency (GRC) announced that they are suspending all house visits and resident engagement activities. MP Tan Chuan Jin announced this piece of news on his Facebook, informing the residents that the Marine Parade GRC team will slow down on house and other visits with the intention to manage risks for everyone.

In the attached image notice, the Marine Parade GRC team stated that the residents’ health and safety are important to them, which explained their decision to suspend house visits. They have also reminded the residents that “safe distancing” is a personal social responsibility, and it will further enable safety for the families and fellow Singaporeans if it is done collectively and stringently.

“Your health and safety is important to us. Hence, we are suspending all house visits and resident engagement activities. Please remember that safe distancing is a personal social responsibility and, if done collectively and stringently, will enable the safety of our families and fellow Singaporeans.”

They had also instructed the residents to visit the team at their Meet-the-People session (MPS) or contact them via email. The Marine Parade GRC team assured that precautionary measures will be taken during the MPS.

Mr Tan apologised to the residents at Ping Yi Gardens that he had cancelled the house visit yesterday. He also reminded the residents that the next MPS will be carried out on 6 April at Blk 35 Chai Chee or virtual space online.

“If you need any help during this period, visit us at our Meet-the-People session (MPS) or email us. The necessary precautionary measures will be taken during our MPS. Do look after each other. Let us all do our part to fight COVID-19.”

Mr Tan’s supporters were happy with the announcement, commenting that this measure is the right thing to do during this period of time. Other than supporting the decision to cease social activities, online user Guan Hong Ong suggested enabling online courses for the people on stay-home notice as a form of self improvement.

Additional notice that was created by People’s Association was shared on Marine Parade’s Facebook page, informing the residents about the suspension of social activities in English, Chinese, and Tamil. This particular notice was uploaded yesterday, letting the residents know that all courses, organised activities, and interest group activities will be called off from 27 March to 30 April.

Other than the notice of activity suspension, the announcement also advised the people to consult a doctor and stay at home if they are sick, as well as practise safe distancing and good personal hygiene.

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