The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) released an official statement on its website earlier today (20 March), addressing the issue regarding Malaysians with Singapore work permits.

According to the statement, Senior Minister and Coordinating Minister for National Security Teo Chee Hean spoke with Malaysian Senior Minister and Minister of Defence Dato’ Sri Ismail Sabri Yaakob over the telephone yesterday (19 March). They discussed the coordination of both countries’ arrangements to safeguard the health of the citizens of Singapore and Malaysia.

The statement mentioned that both Senior Ministers are working towards minimising disruptions to Singaporean companies, workers, and citizens.

MFA stated that both Senior Ministers agreed that Malaysians with Singapore work permits will continue to work in Singapore during this period, referring to Malaysia’s Movement Control Order implemented on 18 March. These workers will be provided with appropriate health screenings and suitable accommodation arrangements.

Dato’ Sri Ismail Sabri assured Senior Minister Teo that Malaysia will facilitate the smooth transport of food across Singapore’s land checkpoints, as stated in the statement. Both sides will facilitate the bilateral transport of commercial goods across Singapore’s land checkpoints. This particular issue had been addressed by Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong via Facebook on 17 March, a day before the implementation of Movement Control Order.

In the statement, it was also mentioned that both Senior Ministers also agreed to establish three working groups under the Special Working Committee on COVID-19, which both Senior Ministers are chairing, to coordinate the (i) movement of people; (ii) movement of goods; and (iii) daily operational issues at Singapore’s land checkpoints.

The Movement Control Order will be effective from 18 to 31 March 2020 for a total of 14 days.

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