According to activists from People’s Action Party (PAP), the next general election could be held as soon as May, according to a report by The New Paper early this morning (17 March).

An anonymous senior party activist speaking to The Straits Times said that the stabilisation of coronavirus cases would impact the timing of the polls, adding that he doesn’t think the elections will happen next month.

“We have to wait for the 30-day window that Minister Lawrence Wong mentioned – it has to be safe enough for people to vote,” said the activist.

“(GE is) likely to be in May, as long as things stabilise. The PM is then likely to press the button (for us to go). We can’t say for sure this will happen, but this is what we are anticipating,” he added.

The 30-day period is in reference to National Development Minister Lawrence Wong’s announcement on Sunday (15 March) in which he issued a travel advisory for Singaporeans to defer all non-essential travel abroad.

He also announced that all travellers entering Singapore who have visited other ASEAN countries, Japan, Switzerland and the United Kingdom in the past two weeks will be issued a 14-day stay-home notice.

TNP notes that another reason elections might not take place in April is that the electoral registers have to be updated. Based on Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong’s Facebook post on Saturday (14 March), the GE can only be called after that is done, which can take up to a month. Only after that can parliament be dissolved followed by the issuance of the writ of election.

Now, the Electoral Boundaries Review Committee released its report on boundary revisions on 13 March, seven months after the committee was formed. Historically, the release of the report signals that elections are imminent.

Given the public health concerns, some of the PAP activists that ST spoke to are expecting live-streaming of townhall sessions would replace mass rallies.

However, many netizens and opposition politicians are urging the ruling party to hold off on calling the elections for now and focus on managing the coronavirus outbreak instead.

Opposition urges the government to focus on COVID-19 instead of elections

The Singapore Democratic Party (SDP) said on Friday that it hopes the PAP “will not capitalised on the crisis” by holding the GE during this time. SDP said that this would ”take away valuable resources needed to combat the virus outbreak and jeopardise the public’s health and well-being”.

To “prematurely” call for an election at this stage, said SDP, would “signal that the PAP is putting its own interests over the people’s safety”.

Singapore People’s Party (SPP) similarly urged the Government to hold off the GE at this time, as this is “not the time for partisan politics”.

Holding an election “when the situation is rapidly evolving” would be “nothing less than irresponsible” on the part of the Government, said the party in a statement on Saturday.

Speaking to TOC in response to a query, the Progress Singapore Party (PSP) stressed the importance of focusing on fighting the outbreak for now.

Singaporeans First party chief Tan Jee Say said that ruling out holding a GE at “until the threat of a community spread of the coronavirus has been convincingly eliminated” is “the only responsible thing to do” at this point.

Meanwhile, the People’s Voice Party (PV) chief Lim Tean similarly highlighted the decision of the Electoral Commission In England to postpone local elections in the midst of the Covid-19 outbreak.

“Compare this to the increasing likelihood of the PAP plunging our Nation into the General Elections during the crisis, for their own selfish purposes,” charged Mr Lim.

People’s Power Party secretary-general Goh Meng Seng said that calling for elections during the outbreak along with “gerrymandering” of electoral boundaries will backfire against the PAP, adding that an election during the outbreak would require all parties to take extra precautions.

He said, “As the ruling party, PAP should focus on managing this crisis instead of distracting itself with GE.”

“We would urge PAP to put public health and interests as its first priority instead of its own party’s interests.”

Workers’ Party (WP), the only opposition party to have representatives in Parliament currently, however, did not comment on whether the timing of the upcoming GE is reasonable.

In a statement on 15 March, WP said that while it does not want to partake in speculation, it urges the government to take caution and exercise judiciousness in calling for a GE.

“Whatever decision that is made must be one that is in the the best interests of Singapore, our democracy and the public health of Singaporeans.” said the party.

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国会通过动议 要求刘程强、林瑞莲回避市镇会财务

经过超过四个小时激辩,国会今日(5日)以52票赞同、9票反对、两票弃权,通过副总理兼财政部长王瑞杰的动议,要求刘程强和林瑞莲回避一切和阿裕尼-后港市镇会相关财政事务。 九位工人党议员反对动议,至于官委议员王丽婷及特斯拉博士投下弃权票。 王瑞杰在以中文发言时强调“诚信是最重要的”,也多次引述高庭对林瑞莲等各造的宣判,指他们在理阿裕尼—后港市镇会事务上行为“不诚实”、“不透明”,违反受托责任。 “这场风波已历经八年,涉关几百万元公款。总审计署(AGO)的报告、毕马威(KPMG)和普华永道(PwC)提交的审计报告、由阿裕尼—后港市镇理事会自己委任的独立委员会发起的诉讼、以及高庭的听证, 都一一证明了两位议员犯下了过失。” 他指责工人党虽在2011年赢得阿裕尼集选区,理解他们希望委任一家可信任的公司管理市镇会,惟没有经过正确程序操作,即理应公开招标,评估投标公司。 王瑞杰重申议员应保持高标准诚信和责任感,也要求该党不该躲避,应对此做出解释。 “将近四周已过,但工人党仍保持沉默,未对此作出道歉,以及如何解决失误。”他也把问题抛向现任阿裕尼后港市镇会主席费沙和其他工人党议员,包括费沙会否对阿裕尼和后港居民道歉,以及解除林瑞莲作为市镇会副主席的职务。 他认为,如果直到上诉前什么都不做,那么可认定工人党实际上默许“不诚实和违反信托义务的行为”,甚至是共谋的。 有关市镇会从2011年7月至2015年7月间,支付了FMSS公司多达3370万元。这段期间,林瑞莲为市镇会主席,而刘程强当时为工人党秘书长。至于毕丹星当时担任市镇会招标与合约委员会成员。 去年10月初,高庭展开对工人党市镇会诉讼审讯,阿裕尼—后港市镇会(AHTC)和白沙—榜鹅市镇会(PRPTC)指责刘程强、林瑞莲、毕丹星等八造,必须对2011年5月至2015年11月期间,对第三方承包商的不当付款行为负起责任以及索偿。 林瑞莲:将上诉判决 不过林瑞莲也回应,他们将对有关市镇会诉讼判决提出上诉,且截止日是在下周一(11日),故此王瑞杰的动议似乎“言之过早”。…

解铃还须系铃人? 杨荣文称推翻军政府缅恐成下个伊拉克

前外交部长杨荣文认为,尽管缅甸军政府是当前缅甸局势的症结,但在解决缅甸问题也是重要的一部分。 他认为,如果西方国家强硬干涉缅甸局势,例如推翻军政府,缅甸社会当下固然会欢庆,“但五到十年后呢?” 他担忧缅甸很大可能沦为下个动荡的叙利亚或伊拉克。而缅甸的内部分裂甚至会拖累周边的印度、孟加拉乃至于亚细安,使得本区域处于长年的乱局。 杨荣文是在耶鲁-新加坡国立大学学院的座谈会上,这么表示。 不过,相对于伊拉克原本由独裁者萨达姆所领导,缅甸原本就已有民选政府,最近的政变事件,却是破坏了缅甸10年来来之不易的民主进程,这也导致此次缅甸民间对军方的不满尤为激烈。 今年2月1日,就在缅甸议会重开之际,当地军方突然逮捕了缅甸国务资政昂山素季和总统温敏等多名执政党领袖,指控去年11月大选出现大规模舞弊,政权再次易手军方,并落实一年的紧急状态。 此前,现任外长维文也谴责:“任何国家的武装部队,用武力对付自己的人民,都是国耻。使用致命武力对付手无寸铁的平民,在任何情况下都不可原谅。” 另一方面,杨荣文认为,尽管一些欧美国家已对缅甸军政府落实经济指裁,但若缅甸近邻如亚细安、中国、印、等不加入声讨系列,这些制裁难以取得决定性作用。 但杨荣文又指,亚细安等国是不使用谴责方式的,他忆述过去担任外长期间,从东南亚各国与缅甸军政府的交涉经验来看,同侪压力似乎很有效。 亚细安不透过集体表决,因为这可能让部分成员国颜面尽失。 但他认为,亚细安仍能发挥同侪压力,集体向军政府施压,敦促说明还政于民的进程,重新选举。

李玮玲再发文:爸爸厌恶个人崇拜 认为故居必须拆除

近日有段时日未曾在脸书更新的总理妹妹李玮玲,今晚在脸书抛下重磅弹,再针对欧思礼路38号故居申诉其观点。 “在2015年4月13日的国会特别环节,我的哥哥李显龙说:“李光耀先生对于欧思礼38号故居的立场多年来坚定不移,与他终身价值观完全一致。我们应尊重他与妻子的意愿。” 李玮玲揶揄,打那以后,李显龙似乎试图改写爸爸对拆故居的立场,让人令人难以置信“李光耀在自己坚定不移的意愿上,摇摆不定”,现在他反倒说: “然而,在听取内阁一致认为故居不应被拆除的意见后,李光耀最终接受政府有可能出于公共利益而保留该产业,因此愿意灵活处理和考虑拆屋以外的选项。“ 李玮玲指出,妈妈柯玉芝在2010年逝世后,李显龙引导爸爸和家人相信,欧思礼故居已被政府宪报为文化遗产,或者在爸爸离世后被宪报无可避免。 2013年11月/12月,爸爸对此曾存有怀疑,与他的律师柯金梨讨论在遗嘱中提及“去宪报”(degazetting)的事项。 李玮玲指出,父亲生前就已明言,当玮玲不再需要时,就可拆除掉欧思礼38号故居。爸爸说话不拐弯抹角。但是内阁还特地成立了特别委员会来臆测爸爸的真实意图! “如我在此前的脸书贴文所言,任何人若还不清楚爸爸希望如何处置故居,是相当愚蠢和无知的。他(李光耀)耗尽一生照看新加坡人的福祉,而他所求回报仅仅是拆掉故居,不必对民众开放,更糟的是变成一个神殿。” 李玮玲强调,爸爸对个人崇拜极为反感,迄今也鲜有重要建筑以他的名字命名。他认为如果国人要记得他的贡献,只要看看繁荣的都会和我们所生活的社会就可。 “另一个爸爸要拆除故居的私人原因是因为妈妈,妈妈愿意短暂扮演总理夫人的角色,但不希望公众闯入他们的宅院游荡,这当然是国家建设以外的次要因素。” 但李玮玲确信,塑造李光耀的个人崇拜对新加坡只有弊害。“爸爸死后我必须向前走,新加坡人也是。一味回头向往已经死去的领袖,意味着这个国家不会从现状中进步。” “但问题是人民行动党试图在打造对李光耀的个人崇拜,我希望这会消失。这并不是因为我不孝,而是因为我希望新加坡能在李光耀以后还能继续繁荣进步。所以,我走后欧思礼故居必须拆除。”…

女佣被指偷窃翻案胜诉 律师阿尼尔:巴蒂决心令我感震撼

印尼籍前女佣巴蒂胜诉一事在我国引起关注,成为热门话题。原本被判两年监禁的巴蒂,因坚持自己并未盗窃,坚持上诉,最终在上周获得成功,改判无罪。而她也总算摆脱四年缠身的官司。 这场史无前例的官司证明了正义虽然会迟到,但不会缺席。在长达四年的“抗战“中,除了仰赖巴蒂坚定无比的信念,还有一群”功臣”,包括客工组织情义之家(HOME),以及辩护律师阿尼尔。 阿尼尔在近日接受情义之家的访问,而访问在裁决前一周录制,在判决后播出。在采访中,阿尼尔以谦卑谨慎的态度回应了巴蒂的案件,除了提到在巴蒂案件面临的种种挑战,也提到现今客工所面临的不公。 审判时间、对方优势,巴蒂处下风 说起巴蒂的控诉时,他已经明白自己要面对种种挑战,因为不仅是长期抗战,而且还是一场难打的持久战。 他解释,“我们需要处理大量的事务,或者至少是我需要处理大量的事务。在没有任何的助手下,我必须井然有序、运筹帷幄,清楚了解巴蒂的叙述。” 此外,面对顽强的对手,即检察官以及一个来自上层的家庭,阿尼尔表示,“这是我们的弱势,没有强而有力的证据。尤其是我们没有证明巴蒂的照片,事实上我们的弱点在于巴蒂没有拍很多照片证明我买了这些物品。” 然而,在独自面对各种挑战时,仍有庆幸的事发生 。阿尼尔说,“我认为比较庆幸的是,我们要求将所有物品呈现在庭上,一般的程序会在审判庭(Trial level)就完成,而到了上诉庭则改以口头呈现。然而,法庭同意我们,即指我们能够看见照片以外的证物。” “…慢慢地我们才能够前进,并质疑为何有人要偷垃圾?” 巴蒂的决心…