Opposition party People’s Voice visited Pasir-Ris Punggol GRC and handed out free masks to residents on Sunday (15 March).

Founding chief of PVP Lim Tean shared the party’s initiative on Facebook with a caption, “We have brought our Bread 4 All Program and masks distribution program to Pasir-Ris Punggol GRC this morning.”

Following that, he also posted a video on the mask distribution initiative earlier today (16 March). In the video, the party members were seen packing the free masks and later divided into three groups to distribute the masks to residents.

“I want to say a personal Thank You to all of Peoples Voice’ members, volunteers, supporters, and digital team,” he noted. “We are a new party making a big impact already on Singapore politics and in our communities.”


Netizens were quick to praise the opposition party’s initiative, calling PVP the party who listens and serves for the people.

Some netizens even hinted that PVP has their support to win the next General Election (GE).

Some commenters praised the party for putting words into action.

While some commenters hope PVP will lead Pasir-Ris Punggol GRC in the next GE.

Meanwhile, one commenter urged Singaporeans to join the opposition party and serve the nation.

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