On Tuesday (10 March), The Myanmar Times reported that 40 experts from Cambodia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Singapore, and Vietnam met in Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar to start a three-year project with the governments in the region on biosecurity and biosecurity risk management.

Biosecurity encompasses security procedures to reduce the risk of transmission of infectious diseases and the prevention of malicious use of dangerous pathogens or toxins against humans, livestock, or crops.

The governments of the participating countries will develop surveillance systems with rapid detection capacities that ensures close coordination between human and animal health authorities so that an efficient reporting and response systems is made readily available.

Speaking at the launch of the new BIOSEC Enhanced Biosecurity in South-East Asia project, European Union (EU) Ambassador Kristian Schmidt said, “Biosecurity is about saving lives, as the COVID-19 outbreak unfortunately remind us. Strong international cooperation is the way to contain the spread of highly communicable diseases in our modern world.”

In line with this, the EU has announced an investment of €3.5 million (S$ 5,502,637.83) into a regional project that will assist in increasing biosecurity in Southeast Asia and help governments to offer better responses against highly communicable diseases or global biological events.

The BIOSEC-Enhanced Biosecurity in Southeast Asia project will be headed by the European Union Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) Risk Mitigation Centres of Excellence. The agency will work with ten Southeast Asian countries and 51 partner countries in seven other regions to address CBRN risks of criminal, accidental, or natural nature-like pandemics.

“The project will support interested countries to update national inventories of high-risk biological materials and to improve their laboratory capacity to identify accurately the type and source of disease-causing agents,” explained Mr. Win Khaing Moe, Director General of the Department of Research and Innovation in the Ministry of Education in Myanmar.

Australia plans on using its biosecurity laws to control movements of COVID-19 patients

Separately, earlier this month, Australia had implemented its biosecurity law to restrict the movements of people suspected of having coronavirus, said its Attorney-General, Mr Christian Porter.

According to Mr Porter, Australia will expand the use of a rarely used law that would either designate some places as out of bounds or place the patient in home detention.

He went on to say, “You might have a major sporting event where people would be in very, very close proximity to each other and … it might be determined that the risk of transmission at a venue like that was too high.”

Therefore, its application in the current context is highly appropriate as this law can “restrict the movements of people suspected of having coronavirus,” he added.

Since 1 February, Australia has stopped foreigners from entering directly from China – its largest trading partner. The move has prevented thousands of students and tourists from entering the continent.

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因为2017年7月的一则脸书贴文,批评我国政府“好诉讼” (ligitious),法庭制度“温顺” (pliant),李显扬之子李绳武,遭总检察署起诉藐视法庭。案件今早开审,总检察署要求高庭判处李绳武1万5000元的罚款。若不缴交罚款,就必须以两周监禁代替。 受理此案的高庭法官加南拉美斯称,他需时斟酌,案件展期至日后下判。李绳武今日没到高庭。早前李绳武已表示不会再继续参与诉讼。 政府律师指责今年2月至月,总检察署多次以电邮和邮件到他在美国哈佛大学的住处,要求他今早出庭。 尽管早前李绳武已说明,有关贴文只是设定为只供朋友圈浏览,不公开大众阅读,却还是引来三大媒体和总检察署的注意,令他对新加坡政府琐事必究的程度感到惊讶。 而政府律师却指责,李绳武没在贴文里要求脸书朋友不要转发、也不肯揭露自己的脸书朋友圈有多少人,“似乎有隐瞒”;政府律师也指李沉浸于李光耀孙子光环,接受外媒采访,却诋毁祖父守护的司法制度。


根据卫生部文告,截至本月19日中午12时,本地新增93例冠状病毒19确诊,入境病例六例,兩例社区病例,均为工作证持有者。 本地累计确诊已增至5万6031例。 新增病例大多是隔离中的宿舍客工,至于六例入境病例,再抵新后已遵守居家通知。 当局正在搜集新病例的详情,并会在今晚提供更多细节。  

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