On Monday (9 March), Robinsons issued a notice to inform that one of its part-time employee – who worked from 28 February to 3 March – was confirmed positive to the contagious Covid-19. The employee, hired by a third-party as a promoter, did not display any symptoms of the virus while working at the store.

According to the notice, before this, the employee had undergone and passed the rigorous temperature checks.

The confirmed case has been linked to a cluster transmission originating from a private dinner function at SAFRA Jurong.

The Director of Robinsons, Danny Lim, affirmed that the store was closed early yesterday as the entire store underwent a stringent disinfection procedure as recommended by the Ministry of Health (MOH).

The notice reiterated that the store has been continuously carrying out disinfecting measures since the DORSCON level was raised to Orange. Robinsons recapitulated that they would continue mandatory temperature checks at their stores and continue taking declarations of travel history.

MOH’s update on the Covid-19 situation

Separately, as of 12pm yesterday, MOH has confirmed and verified 10 more cases of Covid-19 infection in Singapore.

Of the 10, six are reported to be part of the cluster involving a private dinner function at SAFRA Jurong (333 Boon Lay Way), while one of them is linked to the cluster at the Life Church and Missions Singapore (146B Paya Lebar Road). Another three cases were imported cases.

Overall, this brings the total number of confirmed cases in Singapore to 160.

As for update on contact tracing for confirmed cases, MOH has identified 3,649 close contacts cases who have been quarantined. Of these, 615 are currently quarantined and 3,034 have completed their quarantine period.

MOH asserts that contact tracing for the confirmed cases is still ongoing.

Once a case is identified, MOH closely monitors all close contacts of the infected patient.

As a precautionary measure, the close contacts would then be quarantined for a period of 14 days from their last exposure to the patient.

In addition, all other identified contacts who have a low risk of being infected will come under active surveillance, and will be contacted daily to monitor their health status.

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