Source: BI.

As of 8 March 2020, 12pm, the Ministry of Health (MOH) has confirmed and verified 12 more cases of COVID-19 infection in Singapore. Of these:

  • Nine are part of the cluster involving a private dinner function at SAFRA Jurong (333 Boon Lay Way) on 15 February;
  • One is linked to a previous case;
  • One is an imported case; and
  • One is currently unlinked.

This brings the total number of confirmed cases to 150 so far.

About the confirmed cases

Case 139 is a 71 year-old male Singapore Citizen who has no recent travel history to affected countries and regions. He is currently warded in an isolation room at Ng Teng Fong General Hospital (NTFGH). He is a family member of Cases 140 and 142, and is linked to the cluster involving the private dinner function at SAFRA Jurong.

He reported onset of symptoms on 3 March and had sought treatment at a general practitioner (GP) clinic on 5 March. He presented at NTFGH on 6 March, and subsequent test results confirmed COVID-19 infection on 7 March afternoon.

Prior to hospital admission, he had mostly stayed at his home at Jurong West Street 81.

Case 140 is a 62 year-old female Singapore Citizen who has no recent travel history to affected countries and regions. She is currently warded in an isolation room at NTFGH. She is a family member of Cases 139 and 142, and is linked to the cluster involving the private dinner function at SAFRA Jurong.

She reported onset of symptoms on 28 February and had sought treatment at a GP clinic on 29 February and 5 March. She presented at NTFGH on 6 March, and subsequent test results confirmed COVID-19 infection on 7 March afternoon.

Prior to hospital admission, she had gone to work Landom Distributions Pte Ltd (31 Jurong Port Road). She stays at Jurong West Street 81.

Case 141 is a 69 year-old male Singapore Citizen who has no recent travel history to affected countries and regions. He is currently warded in an isolation room at NTFGH.

He reported onset of symptoms on 1 March and had sought treatment at a GP clinic on 3 March and 6 March. He was conveyed in an ambulance to NTFGH on 6 March. Subsequent test results confirmed COVID-19 infection on 7 March afternoon.

Prior to hospital admission, he had gone to work at Nanyang Technological University (NTU) Innovation Centre (71 Nanyang Drive) as a cleaning staff employed by NTU’s cleaning services vendor. He stays at Jurong West Street 64.

Case 142 is a 26 year-old male Singapore Citizen who has no recent travel history to affected countries and regions. He is currently warded in an isolation room at NTFGH. He is a family member of Cases 139 and 140, and is linked to the cluster involving the private dinner function at SAFRA Jurong.

He reported onset of symptoms on 5 March, and presented at NTFGH on 6 March. Subsequent test results confirmed COVID-19 infection on 7 March afternoon.

Prior to hospital admission, he had gone to work at First Page Digital Singapore (144 Robinson Road) and visited The Aperia Mall (12 Kallang Avenue). He stays at Jurong West Street 81.

Case 143 is a 42 year-old male Singapore Permanent Resident who had been in Thailand from 4 March to 6 March. He is currently warded in an isolation room at National University Hospital (NUH). He is a family member of Case 132[1].

He reported onset of symptoms on 5 March while he was in Thailand. He returned to Singapore on 6 March night and went directly to NUH from Changi Airport. Subsequent test results confirmed COVID-19 infection on 7 March afternoon.

He stays at Tanglin Road.

Case 144 is a 58 year-old female Singapore Citizen who has no recent travel history to affected countries and regions. She is currently warded in an isolation room at NTFGH. She is a contact of Case 140, and is linked to the cluster involving the private dinner function at SAFRA Jurong.

She reported onset of symptoms on 3 March and had sought treatment at a GP clinic on the same day, and on 5 March. She presented to NTFGH on 7 March, and subsequent test results confirmed COVID-19 infection on 7 March afternoon.

She is a hairdresser at her home at Jurong West Street 74, and had attended to customers after onset of symptoms.

Case 145 is a 67 year-old female Singapore Citizen who has no recent travel history to affected countries and regions. She was confirmed to have COVID-19 infection on 8 March morning, and is currently warded in an isolation room at NCID. She is a contact of Cases 107 and 134, and is linked to the cluster involving the private dinner function at SAFRA Jurong.

Case 146 is a 64 year-old female Singapore Citizen who has no recent travel history to affected countries and regions. She was confirmed to have COVID-19 infection on 8 March morning, and is currently warded in an isolation room at NCID. She is a contact of Case 134, and is linked to the cluster involving the private dinner function at SAFRA Jurong.

Case 147 is an imported case involving a 64 year-old male Indonesian national who arrived in Singapore on 7 March. He was confirmed to have COVID-19 infection on 8 March morning, and is currently warded in an isolation room at NCID.

Case 148 is a 67 year-old female Singapore Citizen who had been in Indonesia from 11 February to 14 February. She was confirmed to have COVID-19 infection on 8 March morning, and is currently warded in an isolation room at NCID. She is a contact of Case 107, and is linked to the cluster involving the private dinner function at SAFRA Jurong.

Case 149 is a 62 year-old male Singapore Citizen who has no recent travel history to affected countries and regions. He was confirmed to have COVID-19 infection on 8 March morning, and is currently warded in an isolation room at NCID. He is linked to the cluster involving the private dinner function at SAFRA Jurong.

Case 150 is a 53 year-old female Singapore Permanent Resident who has no recent travel history to affected countries and regions. She was confirmed to have COVID-19 infection on 8 March morning, and is currently warded in an isolation room at NCID. She is a contact of Cases 115 and 134, and is linked to the cluster involving the private dinner function at SAFRA Jurong.

Update on condition of confirmed cases

To date, a total of 90 cases have fully recovered from the infection and have been discharged from hospital. Of the 60 confirmed cases who are still in hospital, most are stable or improving. Nine are in critical condition in the intensive care unit.

Update on contact tracing for confirmed cases

Contact tracing for the confirmed cases is ongoing. Once identified, MOH will closely monitor all close contacts. As a precautionary measure, the close contacts will be quarantined for 14 days from their last exposure to the patient. In addition, all other identified contacts who have a low risk of being infected will be under active surveillance, and will be contacted daily to monitor their health status.

As of 8 March 2020, 12pm, MOH has identified 3,649 close contacts who have been quarantined. Of these, 615 are currently quarantined, and 3,034 have completed their quarantine.

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