On Sunday (1 March), Progress Singapore Party’s (PSP) took to its official Facebook page to reveal that 60 members of its party visited various hospital islandwide, including Ng Teng Fong General Hospital (NTFH), National University Hospital (NUH), Tan Tock Seng Hospital (TTSH) and Singapore General Hospital (SGH) to hand out gift packets as a sign of appreciation to frontline healthcare employers who were working on overnight shift to treat patients diagnosed with COVID-19.

“At 6.45am this morning, 60 PSP members went to NTFH, NUH, TTSH & SGH to present a gift to the frontline healthcare workers who were on the overnight shift,” PSP wrote.

The party added that working on an overnight shift is “tiring and demanding” for all individuals, and noted that each gift bag contains a Thank You note.

“In each gift bag is a Thank You note to express our heartfelt appreciation and respect to our fellow Singaporeans for simply doing what they do every day, to fight against COVID-19,” the party said.

Apart from giving out the gift packets in the morning, PSP also said in another Facebook post that 80 of its members visited the same four hospitals later in the evening to greet the frontline medical employees.

“Through the power of social media and their colleagues, some of the medical staff had heard about Team PSP’s visitation in the morning, and were keeping an eye out for us! Many recipients of the goody bag were surprised to find an origami heart with a handwritten message ‘We love and support you. Thank you,” PSP expressed.

It added, “In nation-building, every one of us has a role to play, and we can all choose to put out best foot forward. Team PSP sends out heartfelt THANKS and RESPECT to each Frontline Healthcare worker.”

Separately, the party’s Secretary-General Dr Tan Cheng Bock also pointed out on a Facebook post that PSP members and volunteers gathered on Saturday (29 February) to pack the gift packets for the healthcare workers. “This small gesture expresses our gratitude to the healthcare workers who tirelessly and bravely keep our nation safe in this time,” Dr Tan said.

He continued, “PSP members and volunteers eagerly participated in this out of a deep sense of gratitude to the healthcare workers. I appreciate all their time and effort in packing and preparing the packs. I also thank our main sponsors Khong Guan for the biscuits and Pocari for the energy drinks.Together, we will overcome these challenging times.”

Besides PSP, Deputy Prime Minister Heng Swee Keat announced in Parliament on Friday (28 February) that the Government will give public officers on the frontline who are fighting against COVID-19 with a special bonus that could be up to one month.

“This will include many healthcare officers in the Ministry of Health (MOH) and the restructured hospitals, and some officers in other frontline agencies who have been directly involved,” he said.

As for other public officers who have contributed significantly in fighting against the deadly coronavirus in Singapore, Mr Heng said that they will be recognised in “appropriate ways”.

“While we cannot thank them enough, we can show our appreciation and support in a tangible way,” he said.

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