Changi Airport Immigration (Image source: Kalxinli/Flickr)

A 45 year-old Chinese man lost his Singapore permanent resident (PR) status for breaching the requirements of a Stay-Home Notice (SHN) after attempting to leave the country.

As the man had travelled to China in the past 14 days, he was asked to serve the notice last Thursday (20 Feb) and was briefed on the SHN requirements, said the Immigration & Checkpoints Authority (ICA) earlier today (26 Feb).

However, the man did not respond to phone calls and was not at home when ICA officers conducted enforcement checks in the days after his return to Singapore.

According to ICA, the man was spotted trying to leave Singapore 23 February.

He insisted on leaving despite being warned that he had breached the notice requirements, said a spokesperson from ICA.

Due to the breaching of notice requirements, the man’s application for renewal re-entry permit has been rejected by ICA, which allows his PR status to be retained while outside of Singapore, though he will be barred from re-entering Singapore.

“The Government will continue to conduct regular random checks through house visits and phone calls to ensure compliance with the Stay-Home Notice, so that the well-being of the community is not put at risk,” noted ICA.

ICA stated that Singapore PR who fails to comply with the SHNs, he or she may be prosecuted under Section 21A of the Infectious Diseases Act and re-entry permit or passes may be revoked.

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