
Prime Minister of Malaysia Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad has tendered his resignation letter to the Yang di-Pertuan Agong, and submitted his resignation as the Chairman of Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (PPBM) to the Bersatu Headquarters today.

Dr Mahathir, 94, was the first Prime Minister to be elected twice in the nation’s history.

His first administration was under the Barisan Nasional (BN) started from 16 July 1981 until 31 October 2003.

On 9 May 2018, he led the Pakatan Harapan coalition – comprising Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia, PKR, DAP and Parti Amanah Negara – and won the 14th general elections. Dr Mahathir sworn as the prime minister for the second time at the age of 92-year-old.

The brief two-paragraph statement by the Prime Minister’s Office has confirmed that Dr Mahathir has submitted his resignation letter to the palace at 1pm today but gave no further details about the resignation.

The statement came after speculations that there will be a new political coalition being formed to replace the current Pakatan Harapan administration.

Shortly after the statement, PPBM released a statement that Dr Mahathir has submitted his resignation letter to the Bersatu Headquarters today.

Dr Mahathir co-founded PPBM to win against the UMNO during the 14th general elections in 2018. Earlier today, PPBM announced that it will quit the Pakatan Harapan coalition, Free Malaysia Today reported.

President of PPBM Muhyiddin Yassin announced in a short statement,  “All PPBM MPs are also quitting Pakatan Harapan. They have signed statutory declarations to continue giving their support and trust in Dr Mahathir Mohamad as the prime minister.”

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