
On Wednesday (19 Feb), Bloomberg reported, citing from individuals familiar with the issue, that China plans to buy over the multi-industried conglomerate HNA Group (HNA) and sell off its airline assets. The company is failing to meet its financial obligations after taking a hit from the Covid-19 outbreak.

The government of Hainan, which is the southern province that HNA is headquartered in, is in talks regarding the ownership of the company, Bloomberg reported. A few local carriers are controlled by HNA directly, including its flagship Hainan Airlines. At the requests for comment by Bloomberg, there was no immediate response by HNA.

According to the plan, most of HNA’s airline assets will be sold to China’s three largest carriers which are China Eastern Airlines Corp, Air China Ltd and China Southern Airlines Co, the report highlighted.

In a compromise deal, Jet orders have been restructured between HNA and Europe’s Airbus that includes an order for dozens of A330neo jets, according to Reuters who have spoken to people familiar with this.

In the past, HNA spent $50 billion on acquisitions in prime property in San Francisco, New York and Sydney, stakes in Deutsche Bank as well as Hilton Worldwide, making it one of China’s most aggressive deal-making companies.

HNA accumulated a lot of debts due to its acquisition spree which has also attracted regulatory scrutiny. Due to this, HNA is changing its focus to its businesses in tourism and airlines as it also unwinds the bulk of its acquisitions.

However, bankers noted that the complex structures and loans and other business links binding the holdings as well as the prices asked by HNA have caused difficulty in unwinding its investments.

According to Chen Feng, the chairman of HNA in December last year, some salary payments were delayed in 2019 as a result of cash flow shortages, but Mr Feng vowed to settle these liquidity risks this year.

In 2020, the airline industry has been battered by not just the weakened demand in the slowing global economy, but also the Covid-19 virus outbreak which have led to thousands of flights being cancelled by airline companies.

Reuters reported that Hainan Airlines among others have attempted to minimise their losses by putting foreign pilots on unpaid leave. HNA also partly owns Hong Kong Airlines, who announced that it will slash 400 jobs.

In June 2018, Temasek Group’s subsidiary Temasek Fullerton Alpha bought 700 million yuan (S$140m) ( worth of HNA shares, or 10 per cent of the total of 7 billion yuan (S$1.4b) shares sold to a group of investors.

In October 2018, due to the financial burden, HNA was looking pay 12 percent interest to borrow in U.S. dollars for two-year dollar bonds as a means of financing.

Last week, China’s aviation regulator acknowledged the struggles face by the industry, and it would support mergers and restructurings to assist airlines deal with the outbreak.


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致人民协会李显龙主席和陈振声副主席: 尽管早在2月7日,我国宣布进入疾病爆发应对系统”(DORSCON)橙色警戒,但如此大规模、非必要的活动(指2月15日,在裕廊SAFRA举办的歌唱班团拜晚宴)仍如常举办,实令人难以置信。 活动还被指是“私人活动”,误导群众以为是小型家庭聚会,结果才发现,是两场共数百人出席的活动,而他们曾参与在人民协会(PA)或居民委员会(RC)管辖下的歌唱班活动。 我想公众也好奇,人民协会或居民委员会到底知不知情是,这个在封闭式冷气环境底下聚集数百人的活动,再者出席者部分来自上述歌唱班。 假设人协/居委会是知情的,那我们政府经常吹嘘的社会责任又在哪里,当初不断强调遏制武汉冠状病毒传染的措施又有何用?作为一个基层组织是否应该“以身作则”,作为人民的表率? 既然警戒级别已升至橙色,考量到活动的规模,为何裕廊战备军人协会俱乐部不多长点心?如今许多私人公寓已停止让居民使用或预订多功能厅与烧烤设施,甚至神召会恩典堂(AOG Church)原本预定在2月8日举办的活动,也随之取消。 这些主办方,或允许活动进行的人,对我来说,就如同在玩俄罗斯轮盘一样在豪赌。然而,现在的结果可见,非常不幸的,是让我们的医疗人员和社区承受更多的风险和负担。显然在这场俄罗斯轮盘中,这些玩风险游戏的人赌输了。现在裕廊战备军人协会俱乐部私人晚宴,已然成为第二大感染群。 所以,这绝不是一场我们能以手上有限资源这样玩下去的游戏。 作者:Maurice Tay 原文阅读在此

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