Photo Credit: Ministry of the Environment and Water Resources

On Friday morning (14 February), employees working at Singapore’s Environment Building at Newtown were evacuated, according to Chinese-language newspaper Lianhe Zaobao.

The short report stated that the evacuation process was carried out after discovering a possibly confirmed case of the deadly coronavirus, or newly named COVID-19.

The Environment Building houses a number of government offices, which include the Ministry of Environment and Water Resources, National Environment Agency and Public Utilities Board.

Besides the evacuation, the Chinese newspaper also noted that some of the agencies located in the building have already started to split their teams up into different groups.

Mothership reported that employees working on level nine of the building were told to leave the premise.

However, it remains unclear if more than one level was affected.

Two days ago (12 February), 300 employees of DBS Bank were evacuated from their office at Marina Bay Financial Centre after an employee was confirmed to be infected with the novel coronavirus.

Those evacuated were told to work from home for the time being.

Additionally, its employees who are on a leave of absence would receive basic grocery packs while all staff employees would have access to a medical helpline, webinars as well as virtual doctors.

A DBS spokesman revealed that the infected employee was tested on Tuesday and the bank was informed of the confirmation on Wednesday morning.

As a precautionary measure, contact tracing is currently being conducted to identify those who were in contact with the affected employee are informed.

At the same time, the office premise including commonly used areas like lift lobbies and toilets, are also being cleaned thoroughly as a precaution.

As of Thursday (13 February), the Ministry of Health (MOH) confirmed and verified eight additional cases of COVID-19 infection in Singapore, bringing the total number of infected cases to 58.

In fact, Singapore has now become the country with the most infected cases of the deadly coronavirus outside of China.

Since last Friday (7 February), Singapore has also raised its disease outbreak response level to orange, one step below red.

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副总理兼财政部长王瑞杰对媒体表示,我国关注马国政局变化,并冀望马国在国内课题上,各党派能尽快达成某种共识。 马国首相是在昨日突然辞去首相一职,随后土著团结党也宣布退出希盟、以该国经济部长阿兹敏为首的派系,亦宣布退出公正党,使得该国希盟政府顿时失去执政优势。 不过马国最高元首仍续委任敦马为过渡首相,直至选出新首相和新内阁成员为止。 王瑞杰称,马国是新加坡近邻,两国也有多个合作项目,例如新柔捷运(RTS)、新隆高铁、以及成立联合工作小组,应对武汉冠状病毒疫情。 “我们将尊重马国领导的决定,并且续与该国政府合作。”他表示希望能与马国政府尽快恢复合作,推进多个双边合作领域,特别是应对疫情。