The Ministry of Health (MOH) has confirmed three additional cases of 2019 novel coronavirus infection in Singapore. This makes a total of 43 infected cases so...
Ministry of Manpower announced on Sunday that it has suspended the workpass privileges of six employers and revoked the work pass for four workers after they...
Progress Singapore Party’s Secretary-General, Dr Tan Cheng Bock in a Facebook post on Sunday, urged the public to “stay calm”, “take care” and “be considerate” now...
by Patrick Baert / Helen Roxburgh The death toll from the novel coronavirus surged past 800 in mainland China on Sunday, overtaking global fatalities in the...
More than 70 exhibitors including US aerospace giant Lockheed Martin have pulled out of the Singapore Airshow over concerns about the coronavirus outbreak, but organisers insisted...
根据新加坡卫生部文告,截至9日中午12时,本地再添三起新型冠状病毒病例,且都未到过中国。不过与此同时有四名病患出院,使之累计治愈病患增至6人。 累计确诊病例增至43起。仍有37确诊病患待在医院,该部称大部分情况稳定和好转,惟其中六人病危,需在加护病房加收治疗。 第41起病例是一名71岁新加坡公民,住在实龙岗路上段,近期未到过中国。他是在本月1日出现症状,并分别在该日和5日前往就医,于7日到陈笃生医院急诊部后被隔离,直至8日确诊。 第41起病例曾参加居委会聚会 在入院前,上述男子曾到访Paya Lebar Methodist Church卫理公会巴耶黎峇堂(Paya Lebar Methodist Church)、参加布莱德岭居委会的聚会。以及前往高文一带的Pat’s Schoolhouse接孙子。 第42起病例,则是39岁的孟加拉藉工作准证持有者,曾住在加基武吉的The Leo宿舍,同样近期未到过中国。 他在1日出现症状;3日和5日分别到家庭诊所和樟宜综合医院就医。7日,到勿洛综合诊所复诊,就被送往樟宜综合医院加护病房,并于8日下午确诊。他入院前还到过Mustafa Centre。 第43起病例曾到名胜世界圣淘沙上班 第43起病例则是一名54岁新加坡公民,曾在上月26日到过马国。他在上月30日出现症状,并于同日、5日和6日到诊所就医。6日到盛港综合医院就医后就在隔日被安排隔离。 上述男子入院前曾到名胜世界圣淘沙上班。除了外出就医,其余时间都待在盛港芬维尔弄(Fernvale Close)的家中。 卫生部文告指出,截至9日中午12时,有多达516疑似病例经测试结果对新冠病毒呈阴性,尚有98起疑似病例待调查结果。 不过,该部也确认多达989名与病例近接触的人士,892人人在新加坡,当局已联系上845人并予以隔离。当局仍在联系其余47人。
by Su Xinqi Traders in Hong Kong’s border towns are lamenting plunging business during the coronavirus outbreak but some residents say they are enjoying the absence...
by Thanaporn Promyamyai/ Dene Chen The Thai soldier who killed at least 20 people and holed up in a mall overnight was shot dead Sunday morning...
As Singapore raised its level of alert from yellow to orange due to the Coronavirus, business should adopt measures such as allowing staff to work from...
According to Transport Minister Khaw Boon Wan on Friday (7 Feb), the coronavirus epidemic will have a more damaging impact on the aviation sector compared to...