Wuhan Medical Treatment Centre, where some patients are reportedly in quarantine (Source: Weibo).

The number of deaths from China’s new coronavirus epidemic jumped to 717 on Saturday, surpassing the toll from the SARS outbreak on the mainland and Hong Kong almost two decades ago.

Another 81 people died from the virus in central Hubei province, where the disease emerged in December, according to the regional health commission.

In its daily update, the commission also confirmed another 2,841 new cases. There are now more than 34,000 confirmed infections across the country.

Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), a disease in the same family as the new coronavirus, left nearly 650 people dead in mainland China and Hong Kong in 2002-2003.

China has struggled to contain the current virus despite having placed some 56 million people under effective lockdown in Hubei and its provincial capital, Wuhan.

Other cities far from the epicentre have also taken measures to keep people indoors, limiting the number of individuals who can leave their home.

Friday’s death of a 34-year-old Wuhan doctor who was punished for raising the alarm about the virus in December sparked an outpouring of grief and anger over the government’s handling of the crisis.

The virus has spread to two dozen countries, prompting several governments to ban arrivals from China and urge their citizens to avoid travelling to the country. Some have recommended their citizens leave China.

Major airlines have suspended flights to and from China.

At least 61 people on board a cruise ship off Japan have tested positive for the new coronavirus, with thousands of passengers and crew facing a two-week quarantine.


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【选举】毕丹星:确保选民票有所值 投选可靠替代政党至关重要

工人党秘书长毕丹星,在今日(27日)的记者会上称,在来届选举,投选有建设性、可靠(credible)的替代政党至关重要,把可靠在野党送入国会,确保选民的选票“票有所值”。 执政党人民行动党将在所有93席竞选,而迄今工人党只会竞选21席,但毕丹星认为,行动党无论如何都会得到他们要的“强力委托”。 但他提醒,更重要的是,需要确保把“可靠的在野党送入国会”,才能保障人民的选票票有所值。 不过,除了已知阿裕尼集选区和后港单选区的留守人选外,迄今毕丹星仍未揭露其他选区由谁上阵。他仅表示在并非所有条件对该党有利、且作为政治舞台较小角色,他认为应谨慎把最后底牌在提名日才亮出来。 对于行动党候选人引起反弹出现争议,毕丹星则解释该党选择候选人的方式。在加入工人党成为党员前,这些候选人通常都是从志工开始,且他们当中许多都积极参与基层工作。 资深党员会观察并根据既有的资讯,作出评断选择,也会花时间和他们详谈了解他们。 对于李显扬儿子李绳武捐款给工人党和前进党,毕丹星卫对此未多加置评,仅表示该党对于政治献金来源都保持开放态度,且也认为人们透过这种方式积极参与政治,协助符合理念的政党成长。 工人党将在明日(28日)公布竞选政纲。