The Ministry of Health (MOH) has confirmed three new cases of the Wuhan coronavirus infection in Singapore today (7 Feb). These 3 cases appear not to have any links to previous cases. Neither have they travelled to China recently.

“While contact tracing is underway, there are not yet any links to previous cases or travel history to China,” MOH said.

As a result of the new cases,  MOH announced today that the Disease Outbreak Response System Condition (DORSCON) has been raised to Orange.

The 3 new cases:

Case 31 is a 53 year-old male Singaporean with no recent travel history to China, but had been in Malaysia on 6, 11 and 17 January 2020. He is currently warded in an isolation room at Changi General Hospital (CGH).

He reported onset of symptoms on 23 January, and had visited a general practitioner (GP) clinic on the same day. He visited another GP clinic on 28 January, and was admitted to CGH on 1 February. Subsequent test results confirmed he has been infected with the Wuhan virus yesterday (6 Feb).

The person is reported to be staying at Tampines Street 24. Prior to hospital admission, he had been to The Life Church and Missions Singapore (605A Macpherson Road) and had gone visiting family and friends during this Chinese New Year period. From the onset of symptoms on 23 Jan till admission to CGH last Sat (1 Feb), the man has been moving around in Singapore for 9 days.

Case 32 is a 42-year-old female Singaporean who has no recent travel history to China. She is currently warded in an isolation room at Parkway East Hospital (PEH). She reported onset of symptoms on Sunday (2 Feb) and was admitted to PEH on Wednesday (5 Feb). She confirmed to have been infected yesterday.

Prior to hospital admission, she worked at Victoria Junior College, but had not interacted with her colleagues and students after onset of symptoms. She stays at Elias Road and had visited Changi Airport and Singapore Zoo.

Case 33 is a 39-year-old female Singaporean who has no recent travel history to China, but who had been in Malaysia from 22 to 29 January. She is currently warded in an isolation room at Sengkang General Hospital (SKH).

She reported that she had developed symptoms last Thursday (30 Jan), and went to the emergency department at SKH on 2 February where she was admitted. She was also confirmed to have been infected yesterday.

In addition, MOH revealed that the 27-year-old Singaporean who was reported earlier to have been infected at Grand Hyatt Singapore (Case 30) had gone to Far East Square (19 China Street) and Junction 8 (9 Bishan Place) prior to hospital admission. He stays at Shunfu Road.

Meanwhile, MOH has admitted that contact tracing for Case 29 so far has not established a link to previous cases or travel history to China.

“As there are now a few local cases without any links to previous cases or travel history to China, we have stepped up our risk assessment from DORSCON Yellow to DORSCON Orange,” it said.

“We have planned for such a scenario involving community spread.”

Amongst the 33 confirmed cases, two have been discharged. Of the remaining 31, most are stable or improving. Two are in critical condition in the intensive care unit.

The number of people infected in China — where the virus originated from — has jumped to 31,258 and millions more were ordered to stay indoors. The confirmed death toll in mainland China is announced to be 637, with 1715 recovered.

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