Singapore-JB Causeway

Yet another novel coronavirus case has been confirmed in Malaysia, this one is a Chinese tourist from Wuhan who entered into the country via Singapore. The country has now confirmed 14 cases of the virus in total.

Malaysia Health Ministers Dzulkefly Ahmad said in a press conference today (7 February) that the 59-year-old woman had arrived in Singapore on 17 January before travelling to Joho Bahru on 21 January. She was traveling with three others—her husband, son and daughter-in-law.

“She did not seek treatment from any health facility and just took fever medicine bought by her son from a pharmacy nearby,” said the minister, adding that she remained in her accommodation most of the time.

The woman was supposed to fly back to Guangzhou, China from Johor Bahru but could not travel and she was not feeling well. Her husband stayed with her while her son and daughter-in-law left.

By 5 February, the woman was still not feeling well, which prompted the management of the property to inform the Malaysian health authorities. The woman was subsequently transferred to a hospital for treatment.

“She was tested positive for 2019-nCoV on Feb 6,” Dr Dzulkefly said, adding that she is currently warded in Johor’s Permai Hospital. The woman is currently in stable condition, he added.

As a precaution, the woman’s 66-year-old husband has also been isolated though he has not shown any symptoms. His test results are pending.

Wuhan virus cases entering Malaysia via Singapore

Yesterday, Malaysia confirmed its first locally transmitted case of the virus. The patient is a sister of the Malaysian man who was had been infected while attending a conference in Singapore.

The country has now 15 confirmed cases, 11 being Chinese nationals while the other four are Malaysian citizens.

The first three confirmed cases in Singapore involved people who were close contacts of the 66-year-old PRC who was confirmed by Singapore authorities to have tested positive for the virus.  The three individuals were part of a group of 8 PRCs who were in close contact with the 66-year-old and had entered Malaysia through Singapore.

Later, a fourth case was confirmed. This one was a man from Wuhan City itself who arrived in Johor Bahru on 22 January after travelling by bus from Singapore. he was also travelling with his wife and child.

Following the fourth confirmed case, Dr Dzulkefly announced Malaysia’s intention to possibly barring tourist from the Hubei Province from entering the country, which it eventually implemented on 27 January.

Yesterday, Deputy Prime Minister Wan Azizah Wan Ismail announced that the temporary ban on Chinese nationals from Hubei Province will be extended to all other provinces which are currently in lockdown by the Chinese government.

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