Checkpoint Theatre presents hilarious new comedy “The Nuclear Family” this March

Checkpoint Theatre is delighted to open its 2020 season with The Nuclear…

PSP’s Dr Tan Cheng Bock advises public to be discreet about news on Wuhan virus

We need to work together regardless of political affiliations to deal with…

CapitaLand and other Singapore firms temporarily cease operations in China due to viral outbreak

Due to the rising death tolls and infected cases, temporary closures of…

Huawei named one of top 10 most valuable brands by Brand Finance

Earlier today (29 Jan), Huawei announced that Brand Finance, a leading brand…

Netizens ask Lam Pin Min to check on reality on the ground in response to comment about sufficient supply of masks in Singapore

In a Facebook post on Tuesday (28 January), Senior Minister of State…

WP fully supports the multi-ministry task force efforts on the “serious and concerning” Wuhan virus outbreak

The Worker’s Party (WP) gives its full support during this “trying period”…


卫生部今晚发文告称,至今天(29日)下午2点,本地新增三起新型冠状病毒确诊病例,三名患者都是来自武汉的中国籍人士。 这也使得本地确诊病例增至10宗。 不过,卫生部仍强调迄今为止未有在本地社区传播的现象。目前三名患者情况稳定,当局将继续观察他们的健康状况。 至于此前七位确诊患者情况稳定,且大多好转。 卫生部称第八和第九位确诊患者,分别为年龄56岁的中国籍夫妇。他们在本月19日抵达狮城,乘机时未出现任何症状。 直到24日,才出现相关症状,他们于27日前往陈笃生医院治疗。直至昨晚(28日)11时,确诊患上新型冠状病毒,目前已送入国家传染病中心(NCID)隔离。 在入院前,上述病患与家人住在位于实龙岗一带罗弄榴梿的家中。 至于第十起确诊病例为56岁中国籍男子,在本月20日抵达新加坡,目前也送入国家传染病中心隔离。 他在乘机时未出现症状,直至隔日才浮现。28日他在滨海南码头的体检室体检,被列为可疑病例,立即被送往国家传染病中心;于今日下午2时,确诊患新型冠状病毒。在入院前,他在货船上工作及居住。 卫生部也透露截至今日中午12时,共有124宗可疑病例经测试对新型冠状病毒呈阴性反应,至于其余70宗可疑病例仍在调查中。 该部强调对那些与确诊病患接触人士的追踪仍在持续,为安全起见,这些人士需进行14天隔离。截至今日中午12时,该部已确认144名曾于病患近距离接触人士,其中115人身在新加坡,当局已联系上其中111人并予以隔离。当局仍在继续联系其余四名人士。  

Human-to-human transmission of Wuhan virus outside of China, confirmed in Germany, Japan and Vietnam

Human-to-human transmission of the lethal Wuhan virus outside of China, has now…

Economists: Singapore’s tourism industry may suffer from Wuhan outbreak, but impact on overall economy remains hazy

The Wuhan Coronavirus epidemic will likely have some adverse effects on Singapore’s…