Shanghai’s Walt Disney Resort shuts its operation from last Saturday (25 Jan) until further notice due to the recent Wuhan virus outbreak.

In a statement released by Disney, it informed the public that it would be temporarily closing its theme park to curb the spreading of the disease. The statement further suggests that the franchise will continue to monitor the situation and announce the reopening date upon confirmation.

“As a precautionary measure in line with prevention efforts taking place across China, Shanghai Disney Resort is temporarily closing Shanghai Disneyland Park out of consideration for the health and safety of our guests and Cast Members,” it said.

It added, “We are in close contact with health officials and the local government about the situation and will announce a reopening date once they determine it is advisable.”

In the same statement, the Shanghai Disney Resort assured guests that all prior reservations and purchases would be refunded based on the outlined procedures.

As of now, the infectious flu like virus has claimed the lives of 100 people while infecting at least 4,000 people.

On Sunday, China’s Health Minister, Mr Ma Xiaowei, said that people are infectious before they have symptoms of Wuhan coronavirus.

This statement, however, is not confirmed by WHO or health experts around the world.

Mr Ma’s statement alludes that the new coronavirus is contagious despite being in its incubation period that takes 14 days. Minister Ma reiterated that unlike Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) the new coronavirus is infectious during its incubation period.

In the same press briefing, Mr Ma Xiaowei acknowledged that authorities have a “limited” understanding of the virus and the possible risks it imposes. He cautioned, however, that the outbreak is expected to continue for some time.

Apart from the of locking down of cities to curb the spread of the virus, China’s government has also been sending more doctors, nurses as well as additional medical supplies to Wuhan.

According to the Health Minister, more than 1,350 medics have been dispatched to the city to battle the epidemic with a further 1000 medical professionals to follow.

In a bid to slowdown the spread of the coronavirus, the Chinese New Year holidays have also been extended by 3 days, till February 3rd.  This is travel time for millions within China, and out of China, and appears to be the best way for authorities to contain the epidemic.

Meanwhile, investors and business are worried on the impact of this on travel and tourism, and the effect the travel ban will have on other economic activities.

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