A total of 431 cartons of duty unpaid cigarettes were seized from the operations at Aljunied on 16 Jan 2020 (Source: Singapore Customs).

Six males were arrested during five operations conducted by Singapore Customs on 13, 14 and 16 Jan 2020 targeted at peddlers of duty-unpaid cigarettes.

In a Facebook post on Monday (20 January), the authority stated that the males comprised of two Indonesians, one Singaporean, two Chinese nationals, and one Vietnamese.

On 13 Jan 2020, Singapore Customs officers mounted two separate operations at Geylang and Sungei Kadut, and arrested one Vietnamese and two Indonesians for their involvement in the peddling of duty-unpaid cigarettes.

A total of 96 packets of duty-unpaid cigarettes were seized, said the authority.

On 14 Jan 2020, Singapore Customs officers conducted two separate operations at Sungei Kadut and Woodlands, and arrested one Chinese national and one Singaporean for peddling of duty-unpaid cigarettes.

The Singaporean offender was peddling via the ‘Telegram’ online messaging app and a total of 70 packets of duty-unpaid cigarettes were seized.

On 16 Jan 2020, Singapore Customs officers mounted an operation at Aljunied, and arrested one Chinese national for his involvement in the peddling of duty-unpaid cigarettes.

A total of 431 cartons of duty unpaid cigarettes were seized from the operations at Aljunied on 16 Jan 2020.

Court proceedings against the two Indonesians, one Vietnamese, and one Chinese national are ongoing, while investigations for the remaining Chinese national and Singaporean are in progress.

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