Image source from Tak Nak Merokok MyHealth Ministry of Heath Malaysia

The smoking ban at all eateries in Malaysia will be fully enforced starting from today (1 Jan 2020). This was earlier announced by Malaysian Health Ministry director-general Datuk Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah on Monday (30 Dec).

Those who founded smoking at non-smoking areas, including all eateries will be subjected to compound of RM250 (S$82).

The statement released on Monday read, “The Health Ministry had gazetted all eateries in Malaysia as non-smoking areas from 1 Jan, 2019 with an educational enforcement period in place for 12 months.”

The extension of smoking ban was done under Regulation 11(1) (d) of the Tobacco Control Regulation (PPKHT) Regulations 2004 (amended) 2018.

Dr Noor Hisham said the compound amount can be reduced to RM150 (S$49) for the first time offender if the payment is made at any District Health Office within one month from the date of compound was issued.

He added that for the second offense, full payment of RM250 compound will be charged while a higher compound of RM350 (S$115) will be charged on third offense and so on.

“Under Regulations 12, PPKHT 2004, premise owners must ensure that their premises are smoke-free and prohibited from providing amenities such as ashtray and shisha services for the smokers.

“Premise owners must also ensure that the sufficient number of ‘No-Smoking’ signboards is clearly displayed at the place which visible to all,” said in the statement.

The same compound amount will also be imposed to the premises owner if they commit the offense.

He said the cooperation and support from the authorities, especially Malaysia’s Housing and Local Government Ministry is essential to ensure the implementation of PPKHT 2004 goes smoothly for Malaysian’s health and wellbeing.

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