For the second consecutive year, Chairman of the Singapore People’s Party (SPP) Jose Raymond presented goodie bags to some of the lower income families in Potong Pasir, and also caught up with some of the elderly residents in the estate who either live alone or with their helpers.
The giveaway was conducted on 22 December morning, which incidentally was also Mr Jose’s birthday, and marked the 35th anniversary of SPP stalwart Chiam See Tong’s entry into Parliament as the Member of Parliament for Potong Pasir.

In a Facebook post, Mr Jose said, “For the second year in a row, we brought a bit of cheer to some households in the estate just before Christmas.
“It was also a good opportunity for us to stay connected with some of the folks in the neighbourhood who either live alone or who are elderly and spend most of their time in their homes.
“We need to do our part in the neighbourhood to ensure that the vulnerable will always have people to reach out to for assistance when the need arises.
“A huge thank you to everyone who chipped in to help out so that we can do our little part to help others. Together, we are always stronger.”
In response to queries, Mr Jose said that the bags contained some essential items but the primary purpose of the visits was to continue connecting with the residents of the estate.
“The fact of the matter is there are many residents who do not join the neighbourhood activities and spend a lot of time at homes.
“Through our door to door visits, we have identified these residents, and want to ensure that they are constantly aware that there are people around who care for them and will always be around if they need assistance,” he said.
SPP’s Mr Jose and his team have been on the ground in Potong Pasir since the last quarter of 2017, with intense groundwork having commenced in January 2018.

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