Source: DHL / Facebook

DHL Global Forwarding, the leading global brand in the logistics industry, and a division of Deutsche Post DHL Group (“DPDHL Group” or “the Group”), has been recognised by the Top Employers Institute as a Top Employer in Asia Pacific, as well as in Indonesia, India, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Thailand, for 2020, in its first attempt applying for this prestigious certification in the region.
The certification attests to DHL Global Forwarding’s achievement in implementing best HR practices in the region by fostering a positive work environment and encouraging its employees’ personal and professional development.
“While systems and processes are integral to logistics, we believe that DHL is essentially a ‘people business’. Every success that we have comes from and belongs to all our employees. That is why we continue to invest in creating the best workplace for our employees to thrive in and to deliver best-in-class logistics services to our customers,” said Kelvin Leung, CEO, DHL Global Forwarding Asia Pacific.
The recognition for DHL Global Forwarding Asia Pacific is the latest for the Group, which has frequently been recognised as a top employer in the market it operates in. With approximately 550,000 employees worldwide, the Group places a significant emphasis on people and its aim to be an employer of choice.
The Group has in place robust human resources programs that include extensive employee engagement activities and feedback mechanisms, like its annual Employee Opinion Survey, which are aligned with the organisation’s culture of ‘Respect and Results’. A key focus is also on helping employees realise their full potential through internal and external training, such as DHL’s in-house Certified International Forwarder program, on-the-job training and mentoring sessions, based on the needs of the individual employee.
“Across the region, our local HR teams work closely with employees and both regional and global management to develop a winning formula for our employee engagement and learning and talent development initiatives. Our successful Top Employer certification for Asia Pacific and the five countries is an affirmation of our employee engagement and employer branding efforts, as well as our position in the market as an employer of choice,” noted Celine Quek, Vice President & Head of Human Resources, DHL Global Forwarding Asia Pacific.
“In the spirit of continuous improvement in people practices, I look forward to continue working closely with each of our countries to create the best HR practices for our employees and in the region,” added Ms Quek.
DHL Global Forwarding also recently received the Certified Top Employer 2020 accolade in Cameroon, Egypt, Nigeria, and South Africa.

Image from Business Insider
The HR Best Practices Survey conducted by the Top Employers Institute addresses 600 ‘people first’ best practices across 10 key areas, namely: Talent Strategy, Workforce Planning, Talent Acquisition, On-boarding, Learning & Development, Performance Management, Leadership Development, Career & Succession Management, Compensation & Benefits, and Culture.
The rigorous certification process is designed to identify employers who have demonstrated a commitment to continuously improve their people practices so as to build and solidify their position as an employer of choice.  Experts from the Top Employers Institute have to validate and audit the survey results in adherence to specified standards before certifying an organisation as a Top Employer.
In total, the Top Employers Institute has certified and recognised over 1500 Top Employers in more than 118 countries.  These certified Top Employers positively impacted the lives of over 6 million employees around the world. As the global authority on excellence in people practices in the workplace, the organisation certifies and recognises companies in participating countries which demonstrate that they are an employer of choice in the regions in which they operate.

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