Josephine Teo (Photo: Bloomberg)

The Manpower Ministry (MOM) released an Advanced Labour Force report for 2019 yesterday (28 Nov). It said that overall the resident unemployment rate remained low in June 2019.
“The PMET unemployment rate (non-seasonally adjusted) held steady at 2.9% in June 2019 while their long-term unemployment rate decreased from 0.8% in June 2018 to 0.6% in June 2019,” it wrote.
“On the other hand, cyclical effects such as the US-China trade conflict that affected manufacturing output and retail trade caused the unemployment rate for non-PMETs to increase from 4.0% a year ago to 4.7% in June 2019. However, the increase in their long-term unemployment rate was slight, from 0.7% to 0.8%.”
MOM, however, did not breakdown the unemployment rate for PRs and Singaporeans separately. The government usually lumps PR and Singaporean statistics together under the ‘resident’ category in its reports.
In an interview with the media on Wednesday (27 Nov), Manpower Minister Josephine Teo described the current economic situation as “persistent showers but with pockets of sunshine”.
However, she said that comparing with other crisis years, the present economic situation is much better. During the 2009 global financial crisis, she said that Singapore’s job market was hit much harder.
“At the time, a regular year’s retrenchment for Singapore was around 15,000, and analysts were projecting 2009 job losses to hit 100,000. So (it was a) really sudden downpour, a thunderstorm. You don’t see that today,” she said.
Similarly, the economic crisis caused by the 2003 Sars outbreak, the downturn after the 9/11 attacks and the bursting of the dotcom bubble in 2001, and the Asian Financial Crisis of 1998 were “very, very frightening years” for Singapore, she added.
“But actually if you compare today to those years, I think it’s not the same,” she said. “There are difficulties but there are also opportunities at this time.”
When asked about the disconnect between Government statistics showing employment growth and ground sentiment that jobs are not readily available, she said that the Government needs to find more ways to show job seekers where the available jobs are.
She added, “And I think we also keep in mind that at any one time our unemployment is maybe about 3 per cent. Now even with a resident workforce of 2.3 million, 3 per cent is still about 60,000 people. So, for 60,000 people to tell you that they haven’t seen the jobs, it’s not so surprising itself. But weigh that against the 97 per cent who are in jobs, you also can reflect their views.”
“There are many companies that will tell you that they are still very short of people,” she said.
She also encouraged job seekers to make use of Government schemes like the Professional Conversion Programme (PCP) and Place and Train Programme to help them.
Number of foreign PMETs continues to increase in Singapore
Meanwhile, the Singapore government continues to allow more foreign PMETs to enter into Singapore to work, according to data on MOM website:

The total number of foreign EP and S-Pass holders was 381,300 by end of 2018. In fact, 6 months later by end June 2019, that number had increased to 386,800.
The national Jobs Bank which is supposed to force companies to “fairly” consider Singaporean PMETs first before they are permitted to hire foreign ones is constantly being abused by companies.
Companies are supposed to put up their job advertisements on Jobs Bank for 14 days so as to give Singaporeans a chance to apply before the companies can apply for an EP to recruit foreign PMETs:

However, many companies have in fact already had a foreign recruit in mind before putting up their job advertisement on Jobs Bank, merely to “show compliance”, so that they can go ahead to apply EP for the foreign job applicant. When MOM inquires, the company could easily say no Singaporeans were able to qualify.
Here is an example taken from an expat forum showing how Jobs Bank was abused by a company. In this case, the company had already offered a job to a foreign PMET but forgot to put up the job advertisement on Jobs Bank:


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据《亚洲新闻台》报导,新加坡政府投资公司(GIC)基于高经济增长潜力与具吸引力的投资机会,对于亚洲发展采建设性观点。 今日(3日)这个我国的主权基金之一,在释出年度报告中提到,“亚洲表现出极具吸引的条件,在基本消费商品与服务业有良好的前景,如金融业、医疗业、教育以及科技发展”。 “其全球价值主张(global value proposition)会逐渐增长,主要原因来自中产阶级、基础建设投资和地区一体化不断增多,并以稳定的科技发展为基础使其价值主张有增长的趋势。 尽管如此,亚洲仍面临如不平等的结构性改革与持续不断的中美贸易战变数。对此,GIC则称这些问题都会得以解决。 GIC行政总裁林昭杰(Lim Chow Kiat)表示,只要亚洲持续维持强劲增长,GIC将会投资在更多不同的领域,增加给更多商品投资机会。 “如果亚洲持续强劲地增长,如过去的30-40年,我想这对亚洲商品的曝光度有非常大的帮助。” 近年来,GIC在亚洲的投资组合中占20巴仙(不包括日本),而在日本的投资组合则占12巴仙,其余的投资组合则分散在不同市场如美国(32巴仙)、英国(6巴仙)、欧元区(12巴仙)、拉丁美洲(3巴仙)。另外,中东、非洲和其他欧洲国家则占七巴仙,以及其余地方共占八巴仙。 林昭杰在GIC在发表2018/19财年投资报告上指出,根据年度报告卡,GIC的对数收益率在上一季的财政年度中呈现稳定的收益率。但他也再次重申,仍需保持警惕,因为目前全球正笼罩在中美贸易战的阴影下。…