Weapon presentation by 04/19 cohort at the SAF Basic Military Training Centre. (Image from Basic Military Training Centre / Facebook)

The Public Utilities Board (PUB) has deployed alternative water sources to the Basic Military Training Centre (BMTC) in Pulau Tekong in light of discoloured tap water in certain areas of the camp on Wednesday (20 November).
In a Facebook post today (21 November), the Ministry of Defence (MINDEF) said that the PUB was immediately contacted after the occurrence. It is said that PUB officers responded quickly to flush the water network at the camp while also collecting water samples to investigate the cause of the discolouration.
MINDEF said, “The safety and well-being of our servicemen is of paramount importance,” adding that PUB water wagons have been deployed to meet the essential water needs of servicemen there including for drinking and food preparation.
The Ministry is working with PUB to restore potable supply for water at the camp as quickly as possible.

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