After a 28-second video of man riding his electric scooter on top of sheltered walkway went viral early this week, the police said on Wednesday (20 November) that they have arrested the 19-year-old teen for his “suspected involvement in a case of rash act”.
The police added in a statement that it received a report on Tuesday on the matter, and preliminary investigations revealed that the incident happened along Lompang Road on Monday.
By using footage gathered from police cameras and from speaking to people in the area, police officers  were able to identify the teen and arrested him.
“Through ground enquiries and with the aid of images from police cameras, officers from Ang Mo Kio Police Division established the identity of the man and arrested him on Nov 19,” police said.
The police are investigating the case.
They warned that anyone found guilty of a rash act which endangers the lives or the personal safety of others under the Penal Code, Chapter 224, can be jailed for up to six months, fined a maximum of S$2,500, or both.
In the Monday’s video, it showed that the teen was dressed in a white T-shirt, and was riding his personal mobility device (PMD) on the top of the walkway shelter at night.
The caption that accompanied the video stated: “No riding on pavement No riding on grass Ride on shelter”.

This event comes right after the Government implemented a ban of electric scooters on footpaths on 5 November. This sudden ban was announced by Senior Minister of State for Transport Lam Pin Min a day earlier in Parliament.
Although e-scooters are banned from being used on roads and footpaths in the Republic, but it will still be allowed on cycling paths and Park Connector Networks (PCNs).
Those found guilty of the crime can be fined up to S$2,000 and jail time of up to three months once the ban is strictly enforced from 2020.
From now till 31 December 2019, there will be an advisory period where offenders will be given warnings, in order to give time for e-scooter riders to adjust to the changes.
“From 1 January 2020, a zero-tolerance approach will be taken and those caught riding an e-scooter on footpaths will face regulatory action. Offenders are liable for fines up to S$2,000 and/or face imprisonment of up to 3 months, if convicted,” Land Transport Authority warned.
Following the announcement, it received massive disapproval from affected individuals, especially food delivery riders who depend on the device for living.
However, some PMD users have tried to get around the ban by riding their PMDs on grass patches alongside footpaths and on drain covers.
But the National Parks Board highlighted early this month that PMD riders should not ride on the green verges beside footpaths without gaining approval. If they’re found guilty of doing so, these individuals can be fined up to S$5,000.
Additionally, national water agency PUB, who is also in-charged of drains, has also warned users to not ride on drain gratings.
“Damaging any drain or stormwater drainage system is considered an offence under the Sewerage and Drainage Act. Those convicted may be fined up to $40,000 or jailed up to three months, or both,” it notified.

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