Image from Deliveroo Singapore/Facebook

Following the ban – which came into commencement on 5 November – that prohibits the riding of e-scooters on all footpaths, the government introduced a nationwide S$7 million programme to help food delivery riders trade-in their personal mobility devices (PMDs) for alternative devices, offering a grant of up to S$1,000 per person depending on the alternative device of their choosing. This e-scooter trade-in grant is one part of the Transition Assistance Package (TAP), explained MOT in a press release (8 Nov).
In a media statement earlier today (15 Nov), a Deliveroo spokesperson disclosed the details of the company’s trade-in grant scheme to help its existing, active e-scooter delivery riders to switch to other vehicles.
“Riders are at the heart of all that Deliveroo does, and we are fully committed to supporting our riders during this transition period,” the spokesperson noted.
To qualify for the grant, riders must have made at least one trip between 9 October – 7 November.
For a start, the grant will provide reimbursement up to S$600 or S$1,000 for the purchase of a new bicycle or e-bike respectively. Deliveroo said that the Land Transport Authority (LTA) will reimburse Deliveroo with up to S$300 and S$500 respectively – matching each reimbursement.
Additionally, riders who have completed at least 20 orders from 9 October – 7 November will receive 100% of the grant immediately.
Meanwhile, riders who completed less than 20 orders within the same period will only receive 80% of the grant right away, with the remaining 20% to be sent once they complete a further 20 deliveries within the first month after their switch to the new vehicle.
Starting from Friday (15 Nov), riders can apply for the grant, and the application will be submitted to LTA – to check if any applications have already been made with another delivery company. Upon approval, riders can bring their e-scooters to be traded-in for disposal. Subsequently, riders can proceed to purchase a new mobility device, and later submit the original proof of purchase to receive a reimbursement – which will be added to their next invoice.
As of now, Deliveroo stated that approximately 50% of its PMD and power-assisted bicycle (PAB) riders, constituting 5% of its total fleet, have already confirmed that they have switched to a new vehicle.
“We will be holding engagement sessions with our PMD riders, while doing more to support them and their needs moving forward. We are also currently in conversations with bike sharing companies around potential partnerships,” it added.
What’s more, all riders who join Deliveroo will have access to a safety kit, which includes a waterproof jacket, long-sleeve base layer, and delivery bags. Deliveroo’s large thermal bag and each clothing item in the safety kit is reflective, ensuring increased visibility while riders are on the move even in bad weather.
Not forgetting, from today onwards, riders are required to wear a shirt or base layer of their choice made of at least 30% reflective material while completing deliveries for Deliveroo – to ensure increased visibility.
“We will also continue to work closely with the LTA to promote safe riding. As safety is of utmost importance to Deliveroo, we offer free insurance which protects every Deliveroo rider on the road completely free of charge. This is a first-of-its-kind accident and injury insurance which we introduced in May 2018, covering their personal medical expenses and third-party liability insurance claims in the event of an accident. This gives riders security in the event of an injury, while maintaining the flexible work they value,” said Deliveroo spokesperson in the media statement.
For more information on Deliveroo’s trade-in grant scheme, click here.

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