The Government’s decision to ban the use of e-scooters or personal mobility devices (PMDs) on footpaths is a last resort in dealing with errant riders, following...
Hong Kong’s police watchdog is currently unequipped to investigate the force’s handling of months of pro-democracy protests, a panel of international experts appointed by the city’s...
China has said the lack of tough security laws in Hong Kong is a key reason for months of increasingly violent pro-democracy demonstrations and that the...
by Catherine Lai Tiny Singapore had embraced electric scooters in a big way, but deaths and fires linked to the two-wheelers have prompted authorities to introduce...
Singapore law grants upon the police force “arbitrary powers” to “deny a permit without explanation”, said civil rights activist Jolovan Wham on Thu (7 Nov). Commenting...
The ban against the use of e-scooters on footpaths is a means of “returning footpath safety to pre-PMD days”, said Transport Minister Khaw Boon Wan. In...
Trade and Industry Minister Chan Chun Sing said on Saturday (9 Nov) that the Singapore-India Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement (CECA) does not grant Indian nationals unconditional...
武吉巴督21街的第210A组屋的一户单位,在本月1日凌晨失火。然而有居民申诉,火患发生时,该楼的一个消防喉竟无法运作,紧急情况下没有水源可救火! 根据有关消防喉的标签,刚在今年10月经过检修,为此民主党秘书长徐顺全表示已致函民防部队申诉此事。据民主党文告,民防部队在本月5日回函,表示已和有关市镇会接洽跟进此事。 该区组屋由裕廊—金文泰市镇理事会负责。该市镇会也被民防部队警告,接到民防部队发出的“消除火患隐忧通知书”(Fire Hazard Abatement Notice),要求纠正问题。 民防在声明中指出,市镇会有责任维修和保养消防设施,并保证这些设施能正常运作。若被发现重犯,将面对罚款甚至是被起诉。 民防部队在上周五发布的声明中指出,火患现场附近好几个消防栓都被锁头锁住;但即便民防人员当时撬开其中一个消防栓锁头,却发现水管根本喷不出水! 民防部队表示,当天该部队约在凌晨4时31分接获失火投报,也出动了CPL60型云梯车赶赴现场。 两名分别年龄为60岁及30岁的男子站在厨房外窗沿。厨房中囤积的物品,加之两人皆已耗尽体力,也增加民防人员救援难度。 民防人员先从单位内以绳索保护两人,灾难拯救队(Disaster Assistance and Rescue Team)则从楼上单位降下,把两人安置在云梯车的救援笼中,才降到地面上由护理人员抢救。三名受害者烧伤与吸入浓烟,都被送往新加坡中央医院。 属武吉巴督议员穆仁理选区范围 民防部队在火患发生同日也已通知市镇会一起进行相关检查,确认该组屋所有消防栓都运作如常。 裕廊—金文泰市镇会的负责议员之一为武吉巴督区议员穆仁理。据了解他接受《联合早报》询问时表示,该市镇会严正看待此事。 日前,徐顺全也分享一段视频,相信是由该区居民拍摄,显示有几位民防人员似乎尝试扭开楼层的消防栓,居民则指消防栓“没有水”。