It was reported in the media today that Ministry of Manpower and Immigration and Checkpoint Authority, have both found nothing wrong with the education documents, Erramalli Ramesh had submitted for his citizenship application (‘Authorities checked educational qualifications of $1.5 million condo man and found nothing amiss‘, 9 Nov).
In a joint reply to the media, both government agencies said that they have looked into Erramalli’s qualifications and “did not find any evidence to substantiate allegations that the qualifications have been falsified”.
The probe came after online allegations that his qualifications were fake.
Erramalli was involved in a recent condo incident when he hurled expletives at an elderly Singaporean security guard and putting down Singaporeans staying in HDB flats. His actions were caught on video which went viral immediately.
MOM said that they only do checks on selected applications via a “risk-based approach” through verification with the issuing institutions and other 3rd-party screening agencies. It said that employers have the primary responsibility to ensure the authenticity of the academic qualifications submitted by foreigners they intend to hire. Most take this seriously, MOM added.
MHA later confirmed that Erramalli is a new citizen through the sponsorship of his native Singaporean wife.
According to the media, University of Hull has confirmed that Erramalli did graduate with an Executive MBA from its university in 2011. As for his postgraduate diploma in computer training from Uptron ACL in 1996, the media said the private school was closed down in 2002 after “accumulating huge losses and liabilities”.
According to Times Higher Education, University of Hull is ranked 501–600th in the world.

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