The Singapore Food Agency (SFA) has called for the recall of King Arthur Flour Unbleached All-Purpose Flour due to the potential presence of E. coli O26.
According to SFA, the United States of America Food and Drug Administration (USFDA) had published an alert on the recall of the product and as there is an import of the implicated product into Singapore, the agency directed the sole importer, Cold Storage, to recall the product.

Source: SFA.
According to SFA, the recall of the product has been completed.
SFA also advised consumers who have purchased the affected product not to consume it and may contact Cold Storage at 1800 8918 100 for enquiries or exchange of the
According to Centers for Disease Controls and Prevention (CDC), people usually get sick from Shiga toxin-producing E. coli (STEC) 2-8 days (average of 3-4 days) after swallowing the organism.
Most people infected with STEC O26 develop diarrhoea (usually watery but sometimes bloody) and abdominal cramps. Some illnesses last longer and can be more severe. Infection is usually diagnosed by testing a stool sample.
Most people recover within a week, but, rarely, some develop a more severe infection. Vigorous rehydration and other supportive care is the usual treatment; antibiotic treatment is generally not recommended.
Hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS) is uncommon with STEC O26 infection in the United States, but it can begin as the diarrhoea is improving. HUS can occur in people of any age but is most common in children under 5 years old and the elderly. It is marked by easy bruising, pallor, and decreased urine output.

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