To live up to its vision of making travel attainable for all, low-cost carrier Scoot earlier today (23 Sep) announced the removal of payment processing fees for all bookings made through its direct channels, effective immediately.
With a network of 67 cities in 17 countries and territories, the Singaporean budget airline aims to provide its customers with greater convenience and a seamless booking experience by offering a wide range of payment options, varying from mainstream credit cards to Apple Pay, Google Pay, and PayPal.
Additionally, there are also local payment methods such as AXS and PayNow for customers in Singapore, POLi for customers in Australia, WeChat Pay and Alipay for customers in China, DragonPay for customers in the Philippines, Konbini for customers in Japan, and Momo for customers in Vietnam.
The airline noted that the evolution of payment systems over the years, driven by technological improvements, “has helped to significantly defray the associated costs required to support and maintain the payment infrastructure.’’
Scoot set about progressively removing payment processing fees in selected markets in March 2018, starting with Europe, and last month began abolishing them for the local payment options.
“When Scoot first started, we offered a limited range of payment methods at a higher implementation and maintenance cost. As we expanded globally and heard our customers’ feedback, we took advantage of advances in payment technology to implement many more payment methods to improve our customers’ experience,” said Lee Lik Hsin, Scoot’s Chief Executive Officer.
“In order to pass on the savings to our customers as our costs came down, we have since March 2018 progressively removed payment processing fees in selected markets. Now, we are ready to do away with it globally. We hope this gives our customers better value and more reasons to escape the ordinary with us,” he added.

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