The Legion of Racers (LOR) Festival of Speed Arena of Speed is up and running at the Grange Road carpark behind 313 Somerset.
As part of the Grand Prix Season Singapore 2019, part of Orchard Road and Jewel will play host to the inaugural LOR Festival of Speed from 13 to 22 September.
Over 24 hours from 18 September, the empty carpark was transformed into a karting track complete with barricades and a chequered flag.

Supported by the Singapore Tourism Board (STB) as part of the Grand Prix Season Singapore (GPSS) umbrella of events, the Festival of Speed is being organised by e-sports company LOR which organises Singapore’s first SIM racing league.
The LOR Festival of Speed will be made up of multiple programming which also includes the transformation of the open-air car park at Grange Road opposite Cineleisure Orchard into a go-karting track, a first in Singapore.
See time-lapse video which was posted on Legion of Racers Facebook below.

Among the guests who got into go-karts were Britain’s Ambassador to Singapore Ms Kara Owen who paid a visit to the Arena of Speed on 19 September.
Members of the public can purchase tickets for the Arena of Speed on SISTIC. (Website here)

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