A 61-year-old man and a young girl were crossing a road junction in Bukit Batok when a white Honda came out of nowhere and hit them, sending the man flying and the girl momentarily dragged across the road.
According to the police, the incident took place at the junction of Bukit Batok East Avenue 6 and Bukit Batok Street 23 at 5.34pm last Thursday (5 Sep).
A video of the incident was recorded on a dashcam video from a nearby stationary car. The footage was uploaded on SG Road Vigilante Facebook page on the day of the accident, and has been circulating on the Internet since then.
From the footage, the man and the young girl can be seen holding hands, making their way across the street on the pedestrian crossing before getting hit by the white car which was making a discretionary right turn.
The impact sent the man flying onto the windscreen of the car before hitting the ground.
Meanwhile, the girl was fleetingly dragged across the road, missing being run over by a hair’s breadth.
Subsequently, the little girl’s wailing can be heard in the video.
A passer-by in black immediately rushed to the scene to help the man and the girl. The driver of the white car also exited the vehicle to assist them.
The 61-year-old man was reportedly conscious when he was taken to the National University Hospital after the accident.
Looking carefully at the footage, it is worth highlighting that the pedestrians had the right of way as they were crossing the street when the green man on the traffic light was still flashing.
Watch the video of the incident here:

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