Eight in 10 young Singaporeans believe they will be the next Sandwich Generation, reveals survey by NTUC Income

On Tuesday (3 Aug), insurance company NTUC Income released the findings from…

China's alleged state-sponsored disinformation operations not a recent phenomenon, methods previously used on political elite and dissidents: Australian Strategic Policy Institute

China’s alleged state-sponsored disinformation operations are not a recent phenomenon that only arose…

United Nations: Human rights must be front and centre in climate action

“Global efforts to confront the wide-ranging effects of climate change must take…

NMP Anthea Ong raises concerns over the CareShield Life Bill: mental health, non-severe disabilities, people with disabilities under 30, and gender discrimination

The CareShield Life Bill was passed in Parliament on Monday (2 September)…

Temasek CEO argues against proposed approach to tackle climate change, says more data is required

Yesterday, the CEO of Temasek Holdings Ho Ching shared an article published…

SKECHERS and APSN support persons with special needs, evoke "kampung" nostalgia in Friendship Walk 2019

Held for the second year in Singapore, Skechers Friendship Walk 2019 came…

Telegram secretly plans 'Gram' cryptocurrency

by Andrea Palasciano Working in secrecy for a year, the Telegram messaging…

Indian Minister: Temasek-linked GLCs agree to "amicably back out" of Amaravati project

It was reported in Parliament yesterday (3 Sep) that Minister-in-Charge of trade…


本周日,李总理新闻秘书张俪霖,代表总理向本社总编许渊臣发函,指本社英语站在8月15日刊登的一篇评论,复述针对总理的不实指控,要求本社撤下并在三日内道歉。 对此,许渊臣在今日致函总理答复。在信中,许渊臣强调,自己始终都是问责、透明和法治的忠实信徒,并认为本地运营最久的老牌网络时政网站《网络公民》,身为总编,自己有必要说实话。 他认为有关评论文章不含诽谤性,而是根据可能对事件知情的总理家人此前发表的公开声明,也有鉴于涉及公共利益问题,为了能避免造成疑虑,只能重新复述总理弟妹曾说过的话。 张俪霖在信函中也指出,上述评论对李显龙作出的虚假指控,包括已故李光耀在2013年,得知欧思礼路38号故居未被列为古迹后,不再把李总理列为遗嘱执行人和受托人中。这些指控是李显龙妹妹李玮玲提及的。 张俪霖澄清,实则李光耀自2011年以后,都不再把总理列为执行人和受托人。李光耀曾向李总理解释,如政府有意收回故居,而弟妹对赔偿有意见,他不想让总理为难。 对此,许渊臣称,他也意识到有关内容让人对总理被移除遗嘱执行人的时间点上,可能产生误解,惟这并非他的本意,他针对此事致歉。 不过,许渊臣强调文章的用意,不是要让人引起对于这些指控在技术层面的误会,而是希望能反映更大的问题,即有关滥用权力的指控,以及已故李光耀和总理的关系情况。 “我诚挚地相信,新加坡人更关注这方面的议题,而不是您所提起的技术问题,因为也涉及已故李光耀先生的价值观。” 许渊臣表示,尽管他自己也担忧法律诉讼带来的代价很大,但愿意坦然面对,不仅是为了坚持自己的原则,也是维护自己对国家和新加坡同胞们的义务。 “我热爱这个国家和同胞们。我的道德义务,是协助消除掉在新加坡让言论噤声的恐惧氛围,希望能为新加坡的未来,建立一个更开放、充满活力和稳健的社会。” 故此,对于总理新闻秘书信函第八段提出的要求,即立即移除有关文章,并在本月4日(今天)前无条件作出道歉,以及承诺不在《网络公民》刊登类似的指控,许渊臣则婉拒了这些要求。 4…

Progress Singapore Party to move inaugural Speaker Series talk to Concorde Hotel, citing need for larger venue due to overwhelming response

Progress Singapore Party (PSP) announced on Wed (4 Sep) a change of…